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What Is White Hat SEO About?

White Hat SEO represents a series of optimization strategies and techniques that are approved by search engine companies as a correct design. OK, that explanation is a little bit complicated.Let me put it this way: White Hat SEO is a simple technique that improves your ranking in search engines without violating the rules.These rules were …

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Is ClickBank Legit?

Many people have questions about ClickBank. Whether or not this is a legitimate platform, how to set up an account, how to promote products, and so on. It is a well-known affiliate network so no wonder, people are curious if it is possible to make money with ClickBank (CB).Some of them just want to purchase …

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How Does Email Marketing Work?

Have you already heard the saying that “money is on the list”? What does it mean exactly? If you have many email addresses on your list, you have a great possibility to contact your subscribers directly and as many times as you want to.  This is one of the easiest ways how you can promote …

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How to Find Out Keywords for SEO

Keyword research is essential when it comes to SEO and ranking. The last thing you want to do is to create content without a specific keyword in your mind. Of course not only in your mind 😉 but most importantly in your article. Ideally, your keyword should be somewhere in the 1st paragraph of your …

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