You have heard about this site called Muncheye and you want to find out more about it.
Or maybe, you are curious whether is it possible to make money with Muncheye?
These are legit questions, and in the following Muncheye review, you are going to find that out.
Essentially, Muncheye is a website with a bunch of online courses and products that have been launched and are about to be launched.
But how can this site help us to grow our business, and eventually make money?
Let’s get into that.
Jump to:
- Muncheye Review – Quick Summary
- What Is Muncheye?
- Founder of Muncheye
- Who Is Muncheye For?
- How Does Muncheye Work?
- Some Tips When Choosing a Specific Product
- Muncheye as an Opportunity
- Can You Make Money with Muncheye?
- Muncheye Pros & Cons
- Conclusion
This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain.
Any recommendations and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.
Quick Overview
Name: Muncheye
Price to Join: $0
Recommended: Yes
Muncheye Review – Quick Summary
Muncheye is a website (we can call it also a calendar) where vendors post their product launches, the time when they will be launched, and some details about the product (or service).
At the same time, affiliate marketers come to Muncheye and see what is new in this calendar.
Basically, it connects vendors and affiliates.
Creators of products go here to launch their products/services and affiliates gain information about these products and eventually promote them.
It is great for the vendors since their product reaches the end customer much faster.
At the same time, it is great for the customers, since they can learn about these products by reading the reviews affiliates create.
In case you want to learn how to create such a review that will be visible to others but you are not sure what to do exactly, please check the link below.
It shows a method that teaches how to become an affiliate marketer and how to have multiple streams of income.
I have learned how to make 4 figures per month on the Internet.
Find out more about the platform and if you decide to join, you have access to the 1st 10 lessons of affiliate marketing training, for free.
What Is Muncheye?
Muncheye is an internet marketing product launch calendar.

The purpose of Muncheye is to connect the creators and promoters.
In other words, it is a sort of marketplace with people who launch new products (meaning vendors) and affiliates who promotes them.
(It is a bit different than ClickBank though).
Affiliates check these products, learn more about them, and can promote them.
You are aware that there are millions of digital products, services, courses online, and software and they keep popping up every day.
The creator of these products want to reach their customers as soon as possible and that is why they use sites like Muncheye.
In this article, we will be focusing mostly on the affiliate, meaning how you as an affiliate can be profitable from Muncheye.
One of the best things for affiliates is that they see the calendar of scheduled products that is going to happen in the close future.
That gives them an advantage over the affiliates who are not aware of Muncheye.
So I assume that you are one of those that are going to have the advantage 🙂
It is free to join and as you probably already notice, it is easy to navigate throughout the site.
So let’s take a look at who runs this company.
Founder of Muncheye
Muncheye comes from the surname of the founder, which is Chris Munch.

Chris is an internet marketer who besides Muncheye also founded several SaaS companies (Saas stands for Software as a Service – Source Wiki).
One of his courses is called 100K Shout Out, and some time ago I did a review of it.
It was a very decent course that helps with the creation and promotion of specific content.
Chirs is also known as a mentor and successful entrepreneur who made millions of dollars.
Who Is Muncheye For?
We know that Mncheye is a good site where vendors can add their products.
But as mentioned at the beginning we focus mainly on affiliate marketers.
So if you are just about to start an affiliate marketing business, or you have already some experience, Muncheye is a good place for you as well.
The most important thing is to know how to drive traffic to your website.
And there are many ways how to do that, for example:
- Email Marketing – assuming you have already your list
- Youtube – if you have a channel
- Social media – if you have followers
- Website – organic traffic, paid traffic, or referral traffic
Regardless of the traffic source, the website is a Must.
It is the first thing every internet marketer wants to have.
Based on that you can develop other sources of traffic.
If you are new and you are not sure how to get free traffic, there are many courses teaching how to get traffic.
I have learned that as a member of one particular platform.
Please note that it takes a few months until a new website gets attention. That is the nature of every new website.
Some rank faster (within a few weeks), for other websites it takes more than 6 months.
Remember, that the time and effort you invest in the beginning will be paid off later on.
It is a long-term game.
How Does Muncheye Work?
On their website, you see that there are 2 columns with the Big Launches and All Launches.
These are those that will be launched in the close future.
Just scroll down and you see the launches that already happened.

Nothing wrong with them and you can leverage these as well.
All these products are from Warriorplus or JVZoo. Both are like Clickbank, meaning these sites acts as middlemen between affiliates and vendors.
Click on a specific product and check what is it all about.
If it is within your niche, gain information about that and create content.
Some Tips When Choosing a Specific Product
When you are about to choose the product you want to promote, first of all, check the product in more detail.
Ask yourself questions like:
- Is it valuable?
- Who is interested in such a product/service
- What is the quality of the product/service
- What kind of advantage can the potential customer get?
The thing is that many of these products (in my experience) are of lower quality and sometimes even scammy.
One of the measurements is how to recognize the lower quality product by its vendor – when he or she promotes a new product every single month.

I mean think about that.
How much effort did the guy put into it?
Even a short course or training takes some time (4+ months) until is ready for release.
Muncheye as an Opportunity
You, as an aspiring affiliate marketer (and entrepreneur), have a great advantage with Muncheye.
The thing is that you can check a specific product (within your niche) weeks before it is launched.
So you have a chance to come up with content that no one has yet.
That gives you the opportunity to rank in first place on Google. and that means traffic.
It is up to you, whether you promote the product or just show a different and better opportunity to your visitors.
That’s why it is recommended to Do research on the product!
Think about that – what is the point of promoting low-quality products?
Most likely the customer will ask for a refund and you end up with no commission.
The other problem is that in the product description, there isn’t a lot of information. So you don’t have enough data to provide your reader with relevant details.
Choose wisely, if possible check the vendor’s page and get more information from there.
Let me digress a bit;
You as an affiliate marketer don’t have to rely on Muncheyen only.
There are a ton of sites where you can find products and join different affiliate programs.
If you are not sure where to begin no worries.
I totally understand that. I was there as well.
I am glad in 2017 I joined one particular educational platform, where I was able to learn how to create this website (and beyond).
Let’s Sum It Up

1) Pick a category and product
2) Create content – you can either promote the product or if low quality, make your audience aware of the Cons
3) Share it on your Social Media, to gain more attention
4) You earn a commission either by promoting the product or recommending a better option.
In case you have not made any sales, you at least delivered good quality content, so your audience will trust you more.
How Much Does Muncheye Cost?
Muncheye is free to Join and that applies to both affiliates and vendors.
Can You Make Money with Muncheye?
I am sure you understand by now, that you won’t be making money with Muncheye, at least not directly.
You have access to the new launches and as mentioned, it is an opportunity for you to create content about the new product.
Google loves fresh content and that’s why the chances that your review ranks well on Google are high.
(Check also How to improve search engine ranking).
In case you are still a newbie, or you are searching for solid training on affiliate marketing, check the link at the bottom of this post.
There is more information about what to do and how to start.
What Do I Like About Muncheye?

- Free to join
- Ability to see what product will launch in the next few weeks/months – therefore great opportunity to write an article that can easily rank well in Search Engines
- A lot of products to choose from
What I Don’t Like About Muncheye?

- A lot of low-quality products (with a lot of upsells), but you can still leverage these as well
- Constantly chasing new launches – your audience might be confused about that products.
Therefore be clear about your message:
– Promote good products
– Inform about low-quality products
Either way, you get traffic
When it comes to making money online, it is essential to think in the long term and don’t try to promote each product, just because of the high commission.
Therefore chasing new products is not always the best option.
Now imagine 2 options:
- One guy promotes a new product every week
- The second guy builds up a website about coffee machines (associated with Amazon) and recommends the best coffee machines for home
Which one do you prefer?
The first guy – his audience is confused. Which one should I buy then?
If people are confused they tend to leave – they don’t trust you and therefore you create content without any sense.
The latter guy has a huge earning potential.
He has learned how to build his audience, how to drive free traffic, and offer good-quality content.
His or Her readers will easily become customers and that means revenue.
In other words, he has learned SEO skills.
And no worries, SEO is not rocket science.
When I first spotted the term SEO I really thought that it is something like space engineering. Then, going through the particular training I found out some principles and keys, on how to do that.
Affiliate marketing is a great business model if it is done correctly. A platform where I have learned a lot about affiliate marketing is called Wealthy Affiliate.
The good news is that anyone can try the training as they have the first 5 lessons for free, as a test drive.
Above is a link where you can watch a video where Kyle, Co-Founder of the Wealthy Affiliate talks about the steps of how you can create a business online.
Concerning Muncheye, if you have questions, please let me know in the comment section below.
I will be happy to help you.
Thank you for reading

About the Author
Mike is an affiliate marketing analyst, content creator, and the founder of
Consistently producing in-depth and insightful articles. 📚💻
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Thanks for your honest viewsvon Muncheye. May i know how to promote the product oncevu receive approvals for promotion.
1. Is it good enought to sopy paste the demo video into my utube
2.what about adding the call for action videwhere is it?
Glad you find the review helpful.
1. It depends on the vendor. If he allows you to copy and paste the demo video, then you can do that. Don’t forget to put an affiliate link in the Description area (under the video).
Generally speaking, it is better to create your own video – a review of the product. And put an affiliate link in the Description.
2. As for the Call to Action – sure, you can add it wherever it makes sense.
If you have further questions, let me know
Thanks for this article. I really love it and appreciate every pieces of information in it . I am not confused but I don’t know how to start, I listen to a guy on YouTube that was how I got to know about the muncheye .
I will appreciate if you can help or provide more on how to become a affiliate marketer . I have been trying to do something new since the beginning of this year . I will appreciate if you can just help base on this .
Thank you .
It is my pleasure.
I hear you…
Here is what I can recommend:
First of all, you want to find your niche, meaning the specific topic you want to build your website around.
With that being said, you are going to need a website.
Or, there is an alternative and that is Youtube.
You can create videos regarding your specific niche as well.
Then, the proper selection of hosting and SEO.
To make things a little easier for you, I can recommend checking out this link:
where you learn more about one specific platform teaching affiliate marketing.
It has been around since 2005 so it is well-established with great step-by-step training.
The good news is that you can become a Starter Member for free (you only need your email).
With your Starter membership, you have access to 10 lessons where you learn the first steps of how to create a successful business generating revenue.
Then you will see whether you like the training, or you want to try something else.
Have a great weekend and hopefully see you inside the platform 😉
Hello Mike,
I am new to affiliate marketing, how do I get paid my commission? I would appreciate a response.
Hello Margaret,
You would have to apply for an affiliate program.
Each Site like WarriorPlus, ClickBank, JVZoo, or Amazon has its own Affiliate Program.
Let’s say you want to promote some ClickBank products. So you apply for the ClickBank affiliate program.
You get then your special link for each product (called an affiliate link) and this link you put in your article, or social media – wherever you want to promote it.
Then if someone clicks on it and purchases the product, you get a commission.
Hopefully, this has answered your questions, otherwise, let me know.
You can also have a look at the following article with the Best Affiliate Programs:
Is it beneficial for me as well who is based in Africa Zambia in particular?
Will I make many by becoming an affiliate marketer as well?
Robert Sakala
Hello Robert,
Why not.
The first thing you need is a website.
That is basically your headquarters where you will be adding content.
Simply put, the products within the Muncheye are your resources.
You create a review about a specific product and that will trigger traffic – visitors will come to your site.
If they make a purchase you get a commission.
Sure there are certain aspects concerning your website, like SEO (Search Engine Optimization), that you need to learn.
But it is not difficult.
As you may have seen, there is a link at the bottom of my article where you can click and check more details.
Hope that helps
If you have further questions let me know
Hello Mike,
Well, I am very happy to have read about Muncheye.
This is a very well-written article that explains what is Muncheye.
It’s great to hear that affiliate marketers come to Muncheye and see what is new in this calendar, so it’s thrilling that it connects vendors and affiliates.
What is your top recommendation for guaranteed online earning? Best wishes!
I am glad you like the article.
Yes, Muncheye is a great place for both affiliate marketers and vendors.
Regarding your question – there is no such a thing as “guaranteed online earning”
But the easiest way would be to start with a simple blog, creating content and eventually monetizing the content.
There are 2 basic ways:
1- affiliate marketing – that is offering other’s people products and getting pay for commission
2- from advertising – meaning you have enough traffic so you can display ads and when people click on them, you earn a few bucks.
It is a long-term game, but generally speaking, results can be expected within 6 to 10 months.
That depends on the niche, content publishing frequency, and other parameters.
Hope that answers your question.
Otherwise, please let me know
Thanks for your comment