Have you stumbled upon a specific product promising that you can make hundreds of dollars for little to no work?
Did you even purchase it, from WarriorPlus, (hopefully not!)?
It did not work as promised, right?
You have found out that the guy who created it is called Branson Tay.
Well, does it mean that he is a scammer?
Or is Branson Tay legit?
Well, no worries, none of his products (as far as I am concerned) works.
And I have reviewed more than a half-dozen of them.
I have even watched videos on his YouTube channel, and we will get into that as well…
First of all, let me assure you that there is nothing wrong with you.
No one ever made money with Branson Tay’s (or similar) products.
Truth be told, it takes some effort and skills to make money online, and we can discuss that as well.
Jump to:
- Who Is Branson Tay?
- What Kind of Products Does Branson Tay Sell?
- Do Branson Tay’s Products Work?
- What Really Works?
- Is Branson Tay A Scammer?
But first of all let’s take a look at this guy, Branson Tay.
Is Branson Tay a scammer?
Branson Tay is a person selling digital products on WarriorPlus. His portfolio of products is quite big, in fact, he comes up with a “new product” every month.
The truth is that they are all the same and for the lack of words, they are just “click-bait”.
He promises you to make money with little to no effort for a couple of bucks.
Once a person spends $7 or $17 on a product, he is forced to purchase more with upsells and the final price might be even a couple of hundred dollars.
The money-back guarantee is not so guaranteed.
That’s why I don’t recommend purchasing any of his products and it is safe to assume that he is a borderline scammer.
Who Is Branson Tay?

It depends on whom you ask.
Well, according to one review, he is a successful internet marketer making 6 figures from selling his products and affiliate marketing.
Branson has been active in the online industry since 2018.
Since the beginning of 2021, he has been also a Member of WarriorPlus where he sells his products.
You might have heard of some, or maybe you even purchased some of his products and you were not happy with them.
I understand and I also understand that it can make you even more upset to learn that Branson makes 6 figures (more than $100,000 a year) by selling these crappy products.
They have no real value and that’s why people abandon the sites where he sells them.
The thing is that he keeps creating new ones…
… whereas the traffic to the older ones decreases.
Just let’s take a look at how much traffic these two recent apps (websites) get, Read4Money, and Type4Cash.

The traffic in a few months had dropped dramatically.
How about his other product, called Type4Cash:

Pretty much the same.
Let me ask a rhetorical question:
If this had been such a top-notch product (meaning a push-button system generating hundreds of dollars per day), would the traffic go up or down?
The peak was soon after the launch. After that, we see a decline, in both cases.
This is the reason, why Branson needs to come up with a “new” app /website /product regularly.
None of them provide any value to those who bought them.
What do I think about Branson?
I would like to meet him personally and ask him what’s wrong with him.
Does it make him happy, to use deceptive marketing just to make money from regular people?
And Money Back Guarantee?

The problem with the refund is that WarriorPlus is not responsible for this transaction.
A person who bought the course here must contact the vendor directly, in this case, Branson Tay.

Not sure if you can see that;
It says:
“Important Note: Vendors/Sellers are responsible for ALL refunds. WarriorPlus is NOT the vendor. Each product is listed on WarriorPlus by individual vendors/sellers.
ALWAYS go to the original vendor first for support or refund requests, regardless of who received payment for the order (the seller/vendor or an affiliate). The original vendor can contact any of their affiliates to process refunds.”
See the Source: WarriorPlus/Support.
In most cases, Branson is not reachable and he doesn’t pay back.
Does this make him a scammer?
Well, Duh!
Branson’s YouTube channel(s)

He has 2 or 3 YouTube channels.
Let’s check his most successful one.
His YouTube account Branson Tay was created in July 2018 and as of this writing, there are 580 videos (more than 32 million views).
According to SocialBlade (which is an American website that tracks social media statistics and analytics), he has 623,000 subscribers.
Each week he gets about 1,000 new subscribers.

The monthly earnings are estimated from $133 to $2,100. Most likely it is close to the upper end.
Does Branson Provide Value on YouTube?
I have checked many of his videos and to me, these are just sales pitches.
Just sales videos, to lure you to purchase his W+ products.

See that link?
It goes like this:
Links below other videos are like:
But you won’t get to his website.
Instead, after you click on the link you get to the site where you enter your name and email:

Originally I thought I was gonna get some information into my inbox.
Maybe some advice, recommendations, or free training (call me naive)
You are redirected, right away to the WarriorPlus product, in this particular case – GooglyPay.
(He probably changes the link, and he promotes what works the best for him at that time)
I thought his YouTube channels would provide some kind of value but it doesn’t.
It is just another source of traffic, so he can sell even more of his products…
Isn’t that sad?
And remember he also has your email address, where he is going to sell a bunch of useless products, “Made by Branson Tay”.
This is what his website looks like:

Really “professional”.
(I am not saying that it has to be a fancy site with a lot of content, but maybe a few words about him and a few articles, would be a good thing).
Facebook Group

This might be a private group with no access from outside. Meaning he must accept you into his group.
So I have requested access, but so far no response.
Hopefully, he will be nice enough to let me in 🙂
(Assuming that he won’t read this article 😉 ).
I am sorry for being sarcastic, but these kinds of people shouldn’t be part of any affiliate program, including Warrior Plus.
What Kind of Products does Branson Tay Sell?

All the same s… stuff.
Just by looking at the W+ (WarriorPlus) site, and his profile, he keeps coming up with a ‘new” product every month.
The bottom line?
They are all the same. It is all the same nonsense.
Affiliate Marketing
Branson also partners with many other affiliate marketers, who create reviews and publish them.
Claiming how great these products are and how highly recommended they are…
They are affiliated with Branson and make a commission off of people like you who genuinely looking for ways how to better the financial situation
And or how to learn new skills.
Reading such fake reviews people might think that they already found the “jackpot”- but after a few days, they realize that it is just another one of those fake scammy systems.
This is not how affiliate marketing should work.
You know there are shady practices in every walk of life.
But how long will it work?
Google does update every single day and he goes after such misleading reviews.
But most importantly, you don’t want to rip off people, right?
If you buy a car with no warranty, and it breaks down next weekend, you will never buy the car again.
Heck, you even go and sue the guy or company who sold it to you.
(I can imagine someone would throw a brick in the dealership window, but that’s just my fantasy :).
How to do Affiliate Marketing properly?
Be honest and genuine.
Provide value, and your experience and share it with people.
There is no better way ho to become successful online than to provide help and support.
So even with affiliate marketing make sure you offer helpful and useful information.
And be honest and recommend only products/services that really works and have value.
Do Branson Tay’s Products Work?
Well, they work for Branson, right?
He makes 6 figures, scamming people.
As I mentioned at the very beginning, his products have no value to the end user.
People even buy the upsells, hoping that they will start generating income once they purchase the upsells.
How Do They Work?
Basically, you are shown how to get access to some kind of page builders.
These pages though are only subdomains, so they won’t rank in Google or any other Search Engines.
You might try to post the links on Social Media, but if you don’t have thousands of followers you won’t make a dime.
And if you have thousands of followers, you are not purchasing Branson’s product.
You don’t have to / You don’t need it.
If one of Branson’s products “somehow” (which is obvious) starts to fade away, he rehashes it (giving it a new name, and new sales videos) and sells it as brand new.
But in 99% of cases, they are all the same.
Why They Don’t Work
It doesn’t matter what kind of business you want to do, you need your audience.
How to get the audience?
In the online world, it is called traffic. Or views if you have a YouTube channel.
It is important to learn how to get traffic.
Basically, there are 2 ways:
- You have money – you can pay for ads
- You don’t have money – you must find time to create the content
What method do you prefer?
Well, even if you do have money, it is still recommended to learn basic SEO skills, and then when you see that something generates revenue, boost it up with the ads.
I agree that it is not easy to find an educational platform that works, but there is one I can personally recommend.
Branson doesn’t teach any of that.
He only shows, you some “push-button” system – and that is all B.S., I mean nonsense.
What Works?

There are many ways how to make money online.
Once you learn how to get the traffic you can do a lot of things when it comes to monetization.
The simplest model is affiliate marketing.
Choose a proper niche that you have a genuine interest in. And then provide your audience with evergreen content.
You Might Be Interested in the
Affiliate Marketing is a method where you sell other’s people products.
It is a simple business model but again please keep in mind that the secret of sustainable business online is to provide value to your audience.
They must trust you.
Only then, you can sell stuff and if it is done right, you will start making money even when you sleep.
That’s the power of internet marketing.
But again, you need to learn some skills.
One of the ways to acquire such skills is to get training that teaches step-by-step what to do, how to do it, and when to do it.
I can personally recommend a platform called Wealthy Affiliate and here is a video that goes more in-depth:
Is Branson Tay A Scammer?
Branson is a scammer and he knows how to trick people into purchasing his products.
First of all, he claims how easy it is to make $100 or $300 per day with the system that he has developed.
He only asks for less than $20 to get access to the system (to buy his app).
Once you purchase it, “that magic happens”.
(The magic for Branson)
Right after checkout, you see a pop-up window with an upgrade claiming that for an additional $97 you can get even more traffic and thus sales.
There are at least 4 of these upsells, and if you can’t find the “skip” button you easily are charged $500, sometimes even more.
What do you get?
Access to the useless program that actually won’t be working. Even if you put some kind of offer into the system, no one will ever buy it.
There is no traffic and thus no one sees the “offer”
You don’t know how to get traffic, because Branson doesn’t teach that.
In the best-case scenario, he provides you with a bunch of emails to which you can send the offer.
The result?
You are just spamming people that never heard of you, so most likely your email ends up in their junk/spam folder.
So now what’s your opinion about Branson Tay?
By now you know that even his videos on YouTube don’t provide any value. These are just sales pitches to get you to buy his useless products.
My advice, stay away from Branson Tay’s products, no matter how great they look.
If you have already experienced his products, please let us know in the comment section below.
It’ll be very valuable for people who are not so experienced;
And yet they are still searching for platforms that provide value.
Also if you have questions, please let me know.
I will make sure you provide you with feedback within 24 hours.
Thank You For Reading,
Hello Mike,
Have just received an email promoting Clicky Pay – earn $2.50 per click, priced at $19.00. The programme sounds fantastic, just click on websites and get paid, what could be easier? The more you click, the more you get paid. It looked so simple just to pay the $19.00 and be on my way to making easy money. However when I Googled Clicky Pay up came the company called Clickpay which has no connection whatsoever. And then a bit more investigation led me to your review. To lose $19.00 would not have bankrupted me but would annoy me to know that Branson Tay’s bank account had benefitted at my expense! He promises a full refund but no contact details are given which, to me, is a red flag. So, sadly, I have declined his kind offer and thank you for posting this review.
Hello Diana,
That’s correct. I would say the majority of Branson Tay’s products are similar, based on my experience reviewing them.
Unfortunately, I have had the same experience with the money-back guarantee, and it seems to be a common occurrence with many products on WarriorPlus 🙁
Thank you for sharing your comment, and I’m glad you didn’t lose more than $19.
Wishing you all the best,
Nice one Mike, your review of this sick scammer has saved me $19, but it’s only by previously being burnt by stuff like this that I’ve bothered to check it out. Thing is, it’s really hard to find anything negative about the product he’s advertising because he’s called it a name that is the same name as a legit product, I’m referring to the phantom app, when I search for reviews on it I’m getting reviews for the fantom wallet, and they’re pretty neutral on the whole. It’s only because I searched by his name Branson Tey that Ive found this.
I would be interested to hear any legit ways on making a passive income online.
Kind regards Pip..
Hi Philip,
It is my pleasure; I am glad you did your own research.
Yeah, this guy Branson is a serial scammer; I have reviewed many of his products, and it is still the same nonsense.
Concerning passive income online – to be perfectly honest, it is a myth.
I mean at the end of the day, it is possible to make money while you sleep, but first, you need to create some kind of content.
Whether that’d be written (blog) or video (Youtube).
Or people that have tons of followers on Instagram can also make “passive income” – but prior to that, they had to somehow put effort into that.
In my opinion, the best way is to create a blog (just like I did).
Choose a niche that suits you the best, and make sure to create content on a regular basis – for at least 5 to 7 months. That content should be optimized so people find it attractive; Once it is optimized well, even search engines find it attractive, so you get more and more visitors -> that is traffic.
That traffic can be monetized, either by:
– displaying ads
– or affiliate marketing
– (or both)
Within a year it is possible to make about $1,000 a month (more or less) and by the end of 2nd year (if there is still enough content) the learning potential might abe from $1,000 to $5,000 per month.
Is this something that you might be interested in?
Then check the button above (where it says “Find Out More”). It will lead you to that “landing page” and from there you can access the educational platform called Wealthy Affiliate.
Sign up just using your email address and check the first ten lessons.
If you don’t like it, you can go check something else.
But I personally have not found a better platform for such a price.
I am not going to convince you that this will work out for you. I know it has worked out for me, so that’s why I can recommend it.
But feel free to do further research and I am sure you will find a business model that fits you the best.
Wishing you all the best
I have purchased Branson Tay deeplink DS, one upsell 8may 2022
The deeplink app not working after i request refund he cancel my account with deeplink account
i send 8 email request to refund he refused to answer for any of my quetion
I am sorry to hear that.
Unfortunately, this is typical…
I believe you have made a purchase from the WarriorPlus website.
What you can do, is get in touch with Warriorplus support and let them know about your problem. It is not guaranteed that they will refund the money, but it is worth the try.
Hope that helps.
Thank you for your article. I have not bought any of Brandon’s products. I was going to if I found it was legit. Luckily, I found your article.
I am trying to find a part time gig online that I can work out of my home. Do you have any recommendations?
Kind regards,
Jennifer Crouse Howard
Hello Jennifer,
Thanks a lot for the comment. I am glad you did not fall for Branson’s scammy products.
I don’t know what is your expertise, or what exactly are you interested in.
But you can check the portal:
where you can find a lot of offers that fit your needs or requirements.
Let me know if you have further questions,
Warrior Plus should be absolutely ASHAMED of themselves for selling Branson Tay’s products. He must be the world’s worst internet marketing scammer! I have bought his latest product- 99Read. Thankfully I only bought the Front End and a very cheap upgrade, then had to trawl through about 9 upsells and downsells to finally see the crappy product and pathetic, hastily gabbled “training”. The sales pitch is the most BLATANTLY DECEPTIVE I have EVER seen, and bears hardly any relationship to the product. I will say goodbye to my $24.95 and will not waste a minute trying to get a refund. It would take his Helpdesk hours on the phone with me to achieve what he claims takes just a few minutes, and even then the chance of it working is very slim. The upside is – Branson has finally cured me – I will never buy another IM product in my life. I have earned far more from good gambling systems – and that doesn’t involve persuading any one to do anything they’re not already doing.
Thank you, Mike for your honest review. Since buying this product I’ve seen one reviewer who actually admits in his video that Branson’s central claim is just not true,
but he recommends you buy it because you might be able to get it to work. How sick is that?!
Hi Mike,
That’s absolutely right.
Well, I am sorry to hear, that you have been scammed by this guy. But at the same time, I am glad you see it as a learning lesson.
I hear you.
Fortunately, it was only a few bucks – there are much worse scams where people lose thousands of dollars.
It is sick, and while I do research and create such reviews, sometimes I just need to leave the desk and calm myself down. Because some of those claims are just ridiculous.
Thanks a lot for your comment
Ooh your God bless to me because I was just about to buy this useless thing but I came to see your comment God bless you might am Catherine from Kenya
Hi Catherine,
I am glad that you did the research and found out the truth.
Wishing you all the best
PS. If you have further questions, or you would like to learn more about legitimate ways how to start making money online, don’t hesitate to contact me.
It sounds like this guy is just like those companies that give you fake promises and all you gain is a loss in money, definitely someone to avoid.
Thank you for creating this review because it has kept us informed and aware of him and his business so during our journey we know of at least one to watch out for.
I doubt there is a single person who made money by using one of Branson’s products.
Sure there are probably some affiliates, who help to promote Branon Tay’s products – and these might earn some money… But that’s not how affiliate marketing should work.
You are welcome and I am glad you find it helpful.