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Is Auvoria Prime A Scam?

You are probably wondering what is this company all about, whether it is legit or not.
I am sure you are aware of many scams out there and one must be really careful when it comes to investing your own money.

How about Auvoria Prime?
Is it a scam?

I have spent hours doing research about this particular company and put all the information together (so you don’t have to).

So here we, go – by the end of this review, you will know the answer to your question of whether Auvoria Prime is a Scam.

I am going to walk you through the company, which is the price to join, what products they offer, the pros and cons, and more.

Let’s get started.

Please note, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Auvoria Prime.

This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain.
Any recommendations and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.


Name: Auvoria Prime
Website: www.auvoriaprime.com
Price to Join
: $10 to $59 per month
Recommended: No! It resembles a classical Ponzi Scheme – Read the full review.
I recommend Affiliate Marketing. Check the Pros and Cons of both business models (Affiliate Marketing vs. MLM).

Auvoria Prime Review – Quick Summary

Auvoria Prime is supposed to be a company that provides you with tools and educational material that helps you to make a good decision when it comes to investing in Forex.

It operates as an MLM company, where members can earn money by selling the products and/or by recruiting other people.
Recruitment is the main way how to make money, so that makes this company a Pyramid Scheme.

There are many other red flags, so my advice is to stay away from Auvoria Prime.

Generally speaking, Pyramid schemes are illegal almost in every country, so I believe you don’t want to get involved with one.

There are many legal ways how to generate consistent income, without the risk of losing money. 

What is Auvoria Prime?

Auvoria Prime is an MLM company in the Forex niche. This company offers tools and education so its members can make the right investment decisions.

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam

So, you can learn how to trade, and if you want you can increase your income – Since this company operates as a Multi-Level marketing company, you can earn commissions from recruiting others.

Basically, there are two ways how to make money with the Auvoria Prime:

  1. Selling products
  2. Start recruiting people and building your team.

It seems like a great opportunity but let’s dig a bit deeper.

There are certainly some red flags, that are worth mentioning.

And I want to make one thing clear right at the beginning:

Auvoria Prime is just a rehash of another scam called “Eaconomy”.
Eaconomy was a Ponzi scheme that was run by the same people who now run Auvoria Prime. 

Who Runs the Auvoria Prime?

When you do research on a company and you are not sure whether you deal with a scammy one or not, always check who runs the company.

As a rule of thumb here is a simple procedure:

  • In the 1st phase check whether there is a person in the “About” section or somewhere on the webpage.
  • Check whether it is a real person or just an actor (like in the My Crypto Rev)
  • If a company seems to have a legit team ( or CEO ) check the history of these people.

How about Auvoria Prime?

I already got into the 3rd phase so now it is time to check the history of these people.

It is always a good sign when we know who is behind the company, or who the CEO is.

Unlike the FBS, Auvoria Prime has a list of people who run the company, from coaches to the leadership.

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam

Underneath each photo, you find a link to Facebook and Linkedin, so it is safe to assume that these are real people and not actors.

But let’s take a look at some of these individuals.

For instance, Sal Leto:

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam

Sal Leto was involved in a Ponzi scheme that defrauded investors out of nearly 4 billion dollars.
This Ponzi scheme was called Oncecoin.

OneCoin was illegally promoted in the US but there are more legal issues with Oncecoin and a lot of information is available on Wikipedia.

But there is more.

When the OnceCoin did not work, Sal started to run another company called iPro Network. This company was sued by the SEC for more than $26 million.

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam

Do you remember we have mentioned the company called Eaconomy?
Well, Sal Leto was Vice President of Operations there.

Let’s check another person.

Joshua Phair:

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam

He used to work as a consultant for “Eaconomy” back in 2019.

And the same goes for Bill Wynne, who is now Chief Technology Offices in Auvoria Prime.

This is not a coincidence.
These people just decide to create a new company but its purpose is the same.

Based on their past, it is just a matter of time until Auvoria Prime collapses.

I don’t know about you, but to me, this information alone makes me stay away from this company, regardless of the temporary success of some members.

Is Auvoria Prime a Pyramid Scheme?

A simple way how to recognize a legitimate MLM from a pyramid scheme is to check whether there are retail products.

If the company has no products to sell, for example, MyBitcoinTube,  it is most likely an outright pyramid scheme.

It is not always that straightforward, and in some cases, even a “legit” MLM  can be considered a pyramid scheme.
(Especially after some investigation, that f.e. can be conducted by FTC).
This has happened to Young Living.

How about Auvoria Prime?

The company has tools and products to sell so it looks good at first sight.
But again, if there is more money to be made via recruiting than selling the actual retail product, it can be considered a pyramid scheme.

But there are more, to prove that this is just another scheme that is better to avoid.

How Much to Join the Auvoria Prime?

Products that Auvoria Prime used to offer were slightly different than those today.

Or at least, it is confusing.

When we go to the Products section, we see that there are 3 different ones.

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam
  • Airis
  • Ainstein
  • Alexander

Whatever product you choose you always end up seeing only this selection:

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam

The only available product is Airis and then you can access the Pass that costs $9 per month. 
(It is not clear what the Access PAss means). 

As of today writing, on January 4th there are also a few other “products” if I can call them that way.

  • Affiliate packages, with an option to pay the membership monthly, quarterly, or yearly. The price ranges from $10 per month to $120 per year. 
  • Miscellaneous  – Gift cards that can be bought for a different prices that ranges from $10 to $496.
Is Auvoria Prime A Scam

I am not sure what it includes, since there is no information about this card, whatsoever.

Compensation Plan

Compensation plans are very complicated and this is a common thing throughout most MLM companies. 

Auvoria Prime is not an exception and I don’t want to waste your time going through all the details. 

They have an Overview of the Rewards Plan, that you can go through if you have time and energy.

Basically, in order to become a member, it is necessary to buy one of the Auvoria Prime products and yet be able to pay for the membership monthly. 

We have checked the price of Airis – it is $59 per month.
The cost for a yearly membership will be then $788 – with activation and an Academy access fee. 

That’s not all. 

In order to get the commissions from recruiting, this member has to sell 3 different packages to either retail customers or recruit at least 3 people. 

Each MLM company has its own ranking system, and Auvoria Prime has 11 different ranks. 

Here s the list:

  • Active Affiliate
  • Visionary
  • Visionary 600
  • Visionary 1,500
  • Icon 3,000
  • Icon 5,000
  • Icon 10,000
  • Auvorian 25K
  • Auvorian 50K
  • Auvorian 100K
  • Auvorian Legend

I am sure you know that higher ranks have higher earning potential, but it also means a bigger team (or downline). 

In reality, selling these products is not easy, so people try to build their team and earn money from recruiting. Then they are paid by payments of new recruits and it goes on and on. 

The bottom line is, that if there are no new recruits, there is no income and the entire system collapses.
It strongly resembles a Ponzi Scheme. 

Auvoria Prime Red Flags

I believe that everyone who wants to invest his or her money should be aware of all the aspects of a specific company.

That is why here is a short list of red flags that I can come up with.

  • The lawsuit – A company called Economy did sue Auvoria Prime. 
    But in December 2020, the case was dropped. 
Is Auvoria Prime A Scam
  • Sketchy history of the people who run the company, especially Sal who has been in proven pyramid schemes in the last 6 years. 
  • Banned in the USA
  • There is no trading bot that earns returns. The only money that flows into the company is from new recruits. 

With that being said, Auvoria Prime is not a company that I want to get involved in, nor I recommend it to join. 

Sure there are people who claim otherwise, but they only promote Auvoria Prime.
I believe you get the picture already.

Is anything good about the Auvoria Prime? 

Forex trading can be very risky.
And I am glad that they mention that fact on their website.

Is Auvoria Prime A Scam

The fact is that a lot of people see only high returns and they don’t consider the other side of investing.
In many cases, they rely on companies like Auvoria Prime or IM Mastery  Academy.

There are better and safe ways how to make money and I have chosen affiliate marketing.

There is no need to invest (a lot of) money, and the only things you need are patience, a bit of time, and proper education.

Once a person has a consistent income (in this case online) he or she can and should start thinking about investing.
I believe the safest way would be to invest in S&P 500 stocks.

What I like about Auvoria Prime

  • They do have a Risk Disclaimer

What I don’t like about Auvoria Prime

  • The sketchy history of the Executives
  • Banned in the US
  • Too expensive membership
  • Most likely a Ponzi Scheme

Is Auvoria Prime a Scam?

Yes, and  I believe we have covered a lot regarding the Auvoria Prime.

The founders and people who run this company have a dodgy past. What are the odds that this will end up the same way?

Auvoria Prime is not going to last for long. It is a matter of months (mostly 2 years) but eventually, this will collapse.

And then? 

People who currently run this company will move on and will create a new one, with even more sophisticated techniques so they can lure in new victims. 

Remember that, when it comes to investment, keep in mind this golden rule:

  • Don’t invest more than you can afford to lose

In case you have questions about Auvoria Prime, or you have already experienced a similar scam, please use the comment section below. Share your story, so we can help other people to save their money. 

Thank you for reading,

23 thoughts on “Is Auvoria Prime A Scam?”

    • Hi Jan,

      The thing is it is not banned In the USA.
      But the US regulations don’t allow the sale of automated trading software where a user has no involvement.

      The bottom line is, that there are just too many red flags concerning Auvoria Prime.
      If you have money to invest, try S&P500.

      Hope that helps

  1. Hello Everyone! I have been a member with Auvoria prime about 1 year. I started with 30$ in Gearbox and made 10k. In my account was 40k$ total and lost it all the last 2 months because of the trades that AUVORIA PRIME was sending me. Im so disappointed of this company and I wouldn’t recommend to anyone! Be careful with your money! I asked them also to refund me the subscription money since there is no money in my account and it’s been only one day that they charged me for the new month’s payment and they said No they can’t cancel my subscription and can’t give me the last payment back since I asked to cancel my subscription one day after they charged me. I wouldn’t recommend this company to anyone!

    • Hello Theodoros,

      I am sorry to hear that.

      But Thanks a lot for your comment and for sharing your experience with Auvoria Prime.
      I am sure this will help other people as well.

      Wishing you all the best

  2. Mike,

    You are not doing justice to AP – you see what you want to see, not what is actually there. You should really re research your conclusions.
    Full of mistakes and false conclusions!

    There will always people who are not satisfied with the services/products – that is understandable.

    At the same time AP is legit. There is much more info about now compared to over a year ago.

  3. I am using auvoria prime since December 2020.
    It’s giving good results. Agree monthly subscription is expensive. If you get 8- 10% monthly gain. It covers up.

    Definitely it’s not scam.

    Only Ainstine which is not suitable in US by trade regulations because it’s based on auto trading algorithm. (Which works fine in AUS and other parts of world)
    As you should know, In USA it requires permission to accept each trade. But other platforms like AIRO, Veribull works in US as well.

    • Glad it has worked out for you.

      However, there are some red flags that concern me and I Don’t feel like recommending the Auvoria Prime.
      – including the founders who were already involved in Ponzi Schemes
      – It is not properly registered
      – banned in the US
      and so on.

      So it is up to you how much longer you are going to stick with them.

      Anyways thanks a lot for your comment
      Wishing you all the best

      • Auvoria Prime is a US based company and heavily regulated. It is also properly registered in the US. It is not banned in the US either. Just FYI 🙂

        All customers have to open their own personal broker account aka the company has NO control over anyones software or brokers accounts. It is highly illegal in the US for companies to earn commissions off trades. The only people who are able to do so are FINRA licensed finical advisors. This company offers software, not financial investments.

        Mike this entire page bashing other companies to fuel your own agenda is extremely laughable. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you’re trying to achieve here 🙂


  4. this point:

    There is no trading bot that earns returns. The only money that flows into the company is from new recruits.

    it is laughable… i am aware of multiple people i know personally, who are earning from the software from day one.
    without the need of recruitment of others.

    please do your own research too before trying to tell others to do their research.. it is imperative to practice what you preach, especially when trying to give someone insight or information that you know not to be factual or fabricated.

    • Thanks for your comment.

      There are thousands of cases that people earn from such schemes, it is only temporary though. It is a matter of time until Auvoria Prime collapses as well and the majority of people will lose money.
      That is the nature of any Pyramid Scheme.

      Just check the Red Flags, and if you take a step back and see the whole picture, you cant trust such a company.

      My recommendation is to withdraw the money as soon as possible and invest them elsewhere.
      Unfortunately, most people just see quick money…
      That never works.

      Wishing you all the best

      • Look up AIRO my friend.
        Also look up the other softwares… myself and others have entered trades provided by the software, on our own MT4 platforms and have had so much success.
        You’re not a trader – so you will never get it I’m afraid.

        The bots work, very well indeed. They also have verified results of proven longevity.
        And the proof of this is you can run the bots on a demo account, and open trades on your own personal account which is unlinked, and STILL hit those profits. Believe me, I have tried and tested it.

        It’s hard when you don’t know ENOUGH about something, to make a conclusion about it. I totally understand that..

        • I am glad it has worked out for you.
          Wishing you all the luck – especially in the long term.

          These pyramid schemes sure work for a while… It is just a matter of time until they collapse.

          Have a good one

          • Thank you – I have taken my skills I have learnt here, and implemented them into my own trading completely separate from Auvoria Prime.

            Safe to say it’s doing EXTREMELY well. Discussing the strategies of the softwares with traders of 10 years +….. They have agreed the software is very powerful, and use it themesleves.. we can conclude that the money is long term, as long as you’re conservative in your approach, and the trillion dollar forex market continues to exist 😉

            Thanks for your time Mike.

  5. As mind-boggling as this is, Auvoria Prime is completely legit. I’m not just saying this like it’s legit and real. Also, you mentioned the head people in Auvoria Prime being fake or scammers. They are not scammers, It wasn’t their fault Eaconomy crashed and became not legit, the main scammers were Hassan and Candice, a couple who basically ran the company. I’m saying this because I know the leaders and have met them and they are nice people who work so hard. Yeah it looks like a bunch of red flags but in the end, they didn’t know it was a scheme and were being used as the rest of everyone else in Eaconomy and Onecoin. So reconsider and do more research on the leaders because they are actually really good people.

  6. Haha thanks for the article my guy! Ya know, I agree with you on your stance of Auvoria Prime. But, I don’t think I’ll be taking up this offer.. I don’t like it very much. It’s annoying to see these people/companies get away with scams like this.. How is this not a resolved issue already?  I personally use Wealthy Affiliate, a much better platform! It’s reassuring to see that you promote them as well.

    • That is a wise decision. 

      I agree with you, it is really outrageous that these guys get away with scams. 

      Unfortunately, they are able to move faster than the authorities. 
      But the time the investigation starts, they are already gone – most likely preparing a new version of scam or pyramid scheme. 

      The only way how to stay out of such scams is by doing the research. 

      Thanks a lot for your comment


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