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ShowCash Review

Hello and welcome to my website.

Have you seen this website promising you to make easy money online? Apparently, you get $10 per referral and you can even make a couple of hundreds per day.

But is this website or system called ShowCash legit?
Isn’t it some kind of scam?

We are about to reveal all the details in this ShowCash Review, including

  • How does it work
  • We will double-check the testimonials
  • The payment proofs
  • Registration of website vs. what they claim and so on.

ShowCash is kind of a GPT site (Get-Paid-To) where you can perform simple tasks and you get paid for it.
This model is legit, but there are many scams out there, pretending to be legit GPT websites, but in reality, these scams only harvest personal data (like email address, passwords, telephone numbers, credit card information, and so on).

Let’s check what is ShowCash all about.

Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate for ShowCash. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any recommendation and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

ShowCash Overview

Product Name: ShowCash
Price to Join: $0
Creator: N/A
Do I recommend it? No!

ShowCash Summary

ShowCash is a system promising you to earn easy money, by referring your friends on Facebook to sign up for ShowCash
You are promised to get $10 for each person who joins the ShowCash. You can even make more money by performing simple tasks inside of the ShowCash platform.

The problem is that this system does not pay.
That means ShowCash is lying to its prospectors about making money. Once a member collects enough credit to cash out, he is accused of using fake referrals and clicks. No money is transferred and the account is locked for good.

Do not sign up for ShowCash using your regular email!
ShowCashBesides the email they might go after your password, telephone number, pay pal, or credit card information.

If you have read enough about the ShowCash and you would like to take action and find out where I have learned how to generate a sustainable income online, please click on the link below.

You will get access to the Best Affiliate Marketing Course for FREE for 7 days. Test the platform out and after the week you will decide whether to upgrade to Premium Membership or no.
See you on the other side.

What is ShowCash

ShowCash is a website or an easy system promising you to make instant money using Social Media.

They claim to be #1 influencer network and apparently they have more than 300,000 members that already earned more than $44 million.

So How Does the ShowCashWork?

It is easy to get started with ShowCash.

You just follow these 3 steps:

  1. Join ShowCash – create your account and instantly you are in the members’ area (or Dashboard)
  2. You can grab your link and share it on social media. You are supposed to earn $10 for every referral.
  3. Get Paid – You are promised to cash out your earnings instantly, using PayPal, CashApp, Bitcoin or mailed checks

ShowCash Review

To break it down a bit:

  • Yes, it is very easy to sign up for ShowCash. But please if you do so, don’t use your regular email!
  • You should get up to $10 for each referral who joins the ShowCash. Now think about it – how come you can get paid whereas the referral joins the system for free? (as you did) Where is the money coming from?
  • Get Paid – Here is the bottom line -> no one gets paid. It is not possible to cash out even after performing all the tasks.

The entire system works to get your data, such as email address, password, PayPal information, telephone number, and even credit card.

You can compare ShowCash with other systems, and you realize that this is just a clone of websites like Social Bounty, Money Genie or Rain Money, and many others.

So who is the originator? Who is the person or company who created this scam?

Who is Behind

This is a good question.

It is not easy to find out how is the real person or company who keep creating these scams. That is why they don’t mind if one of their systems is taken down. They just move on and create a new one.

We see that they pop up each month.

This is how you can check when a domain is registered. The website is called whois.com:

ShowCash Review

We see that ShowCash was registered on the 25th of Janury 2020. So it is a pretty new website. The registrant is from Panama (same as with the other clones or copies).

ShowCash Dashboard

The ShowCash dashboard looks exactly the same as SwiftBuck or any other clone of this kind (check the list of similar scams).

On your left-hand side, you have a menu with access to social media. Info about your account, an option where to fill the payment information, and stuff like that.

ShowCash Review

In the middle, you see your link, your fake earnings and below tasks, you should be performing.

Let me warn you that the tasks can be different, and it depends on your location.
Some of the tasks require your telephone number or other personal data.

Do NOT reveal these data!

The earnings you see on the right-hand side is just fake!

At the bottom, you have a list of links to social media (again).
Please note that they still use the google plus, but as we know, this social network was shut down on April 02, 2019.

ShowCash Review

Another red flag is the account manager.

After googling that image, here is what we get:

ShowCash Review

You see that are just too many things that don’t make sense.
Errors and fake information – it is safe to stay away from ShowCash

The Claims vs Facts

We have seen that there are so many errors and lies on this website. Let’s sum up the red flags.
You can easily double-check them as well when you stumble upon a similar website.

1) Fake Testimonials

The testimonials are exactly the same as they use in SwiftBucks.

ShowCash Review

The photos are downloaded and the text is copied (I don’t even know how many times).

2) No Presence on Social Media

ShowCash at the home page says, “The Only Legit Influencer Network” – one would assume that such influencer must have a lot of followers and be active on Social Media, right?

Let’s double-check that:

  • Facebook

Ther is no evidence whatsoever that ShowCash is on Facebook.

ShowCash Review

  • YouTube

No YouTube channel either.
I have only found a couple of reviews.

  • Twitter

Nothing at all…

  • Instagram

The only results regarding the keyword ShowCash is some Rock & roll band located in San Diego.
These guys have nothing to do with the website showcash.co

This is another proof that the entire ShowCash system is one big fat Fake.

3) Email Address Does Not Work

But how about the social icon on the website?

Well, those do not work. Click on them and you will get back to the homepage.

ShowCash Review

I also wrote an email, so far no feedback.
I’d bet it won’t be delivered.

Just as I suspected:

ShowCash Review

4) Foundation Date

We have learned that ShowCash was registered in January 2020.

But in the “About Us” section it says, they were registered in 2015.

ShowCash Review

Now how is that possible?
they have registered a company that solely relies on the internet and visitors, but the website was registered 5 years later?

Of course not. The “About Us” information within the ShowCash is just B.S.

ShowCash Review

5) They Don’t Pay Out

If you see a website that promises that you can earn money and at the end, they don’t pay you and on top of it your account is closed; well how do you call it?

Exactly right – an outright scam.

Because this is exactly how the ShowCash works.

  1. You sign up
  2. You share your link
  3. You “earn” – the credit within the dashboard raises
  4. You cash-out

Suddenly -Bam!

You are told you have used fake clicks and referrals and ShowCash is shutting down your account.

That is it.

Actually no it is not all.
Your email address or whatever data you have revealed are stolen and will be sold to 3rd party (other scammers and spammers)

So Please:

Do Not Use Your Email when signing up for ShowCash!

If you really want to see the dashboards, create some “fake” email for this purpose only.
In other words – Use a fake email for the fake system.

6) Strange Blog

There is a blog section, with 2 posts but the date does not match.

ShowCash Review

Also, there is a typo – I am sure this blog post is copied from another scammy site called LiteBucks.
They forget to change it – this is just another proof that that keep clone this system over and over again,

ShowCash Review

What I like

  • What is it to like about ShowCash?
    Absolutely nothing.
    (the only thing I personally like is that it is so easy to find out the red flags)

What I don’t like

  • This is a data-harvesting scam.  Your email address, telephone number, password credit card information can be sold to a 3rd party
  • A website full of errors
  • Alleged foundation date does not match with the reality
  • Contact information does not work

Where Do We Go From Here?

ShowCash is just another scam site.

I know you have been looking for legit ways how to make some money on the side.

If you want to earn double bucks using a legitimate system, I suggest you visit the following website;

The thing is, that you won’t make thousands of dollars per month. These legit GPT sites are perfect for someone who wants to make extra pocket money, maybe  $100 or $200 a month.

If you are interested in how to make real money online, I can help you with that as well.

First thing is to get rid of the “I want to make $100 bucks tomorrow” mind.
You have probably heard of the get-rich-quick schemes – they never work.

So, What Does Work?

ShowCash Review

Create a website with interesting content, engage with your visitors, and as your website grows (you have more and more content on your website) so your income does.

Well, the sentence above is an oversimplification, but in principle the process is right.
The same applies to any successful YouTuber as well.

Just keep creating content and soon you have thousands of views, so you can monetize the channel.  You can add links in the description area that directs the viewer to your website.

So let me sum it up, here is a model how to start an affiliate marketing business:

  1. You need to create a website and choose a niche.
  2. Learn how to get free traffic (meaning the SEO and stuff like that).
  3. Monetize the traffic by joining Affiliate programs (like Amazon or any other)

You can learn lots of things for free, using YouTube and free sources.
But in my experience, it is better to have a guide and step-by-step training.

There are some legit platforms or courses online that cost at least $1,000. The disadvantage is that the course lasts 6 weeks, or maybe a couple of months.
then you are on your own.

6 weeks is not enough to start generating consistent income online.
You should think in the long run. Give it a year or maybe 16 months.

A platform where I am a member offers also an easy tool where you can build a website within a minute.
Here is a short video to show you how easy it is (assuming you are inside the platform):

Now you need to add c content to that website.
After 3 months you can see some impressions and give it a few more months and you have consistent traffic.
Why takes to long?

There are a couple of reasons why it takes so long (I mean the organic traffic from google)

  1. Age of a domain – Google needs some time to get to know your website. He does give a good ranking to a fresh site (An year-old website ranks much better than 3 months old one)
  2. Authority – You need to provide your visitor with good quality content (something that you are interested in, this concern the niche you choose)
  3. The structure of your website (SEO)

The term SEO, was a scary word for me, back in 2016. The reason was, I had no idea what that is.
I used to think that it was kind of coding or some “magic stuff” that only a few people understand.

Something that is one level below quantum physics.

On the other hand, it can’t be that difficult, since there are so many websites on the 1st page of google, with not s great content and poor SEO as well.
Let me tell you, with a proper education you can outrank many websites, pretty easily.

Again, it requires time but if you follow the step-by-step training you will get solid traffic within 4 to 5 months.

If you are serious about making money online you can read more about this training.How to Start Affiliate Marketing Business

Not too many people know about that. It is no secret or anything, but still the majority search for a quick-money.

These people should stop wasting time by chasing loopholes and “automated systems”.

The real secret is to get the acts together. Take action and start creating content. 

At the bottom of this post is a  link where you find more information.
Take your time, read it and if you have any questions let me know.

Let me help you to find the path towards financial independence.

Final Verdict about ShowCash

My advice is to stay away from ShowCash.

Whoever signs up for this system risk that his or her personal data will be stolen. There are many scammers and spammers who gladly pay for emails and other personal information.

Thank you for reading and
Stay out of the Scams!

Would You Like to Start Your Own Business Online?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without a prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches what works – There is an evergreen procedure and you can learn how to start making money online as well.

Join Wealthy Affiliate for Free – You don’t need the credit card.

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