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Billy Gene is Marketing Review

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In this review, we will discuss the platform called “Billy Gene is Marketing.”

You’ve likely seen ads for this marketing product and are researching it to avoid scams and misleading products.
We’ll cover how it works, how much it costs, the pros and cons, and more.

Is “Billy Gene is Marketing” a scam, or is it a legitimate system?

Let’s find out.

Please note, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Billy Gene is Marketing.
This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain.

Any recommendations and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

Billy Gene is Marketing Review – Quick Summary

Name: Billy Gene is Marketing
Website: www.billygeneismarketing.com
Price to Join:
$97 + Upsells (up to $7,000+)
Recommended: Not really

Billy Gene Is Marketing (BGIM) is a platform with lots of educational programs teaching entrepreneurs and marketers about tactics to grow their businesses.

He started his first business in early 2010, showing companies how to create an effective Facebook ad.

Currently, Billy has more than 50 employees and has worked with thousands of clients.

His approach is unique and these are 3 things he proclaims:

  • Entertain
  • Educate
  • Execute

Billy is not a scammer (although there are other opinions) but his courses are too expensive.
Recently he created a package that is supposed to cost only $49.
The problem is that once a client buys that, he has to go through a bunch of “one-time-offer” uspells and whatnot.

His courses are not for beginners so if you want to learn how to run an online business from scratch, I am afraid BGIM is not for you.

It is necessary to have a budget of over $200 per month to keep up with what Billy teaches.
At the end of the day, the kind of information he sells is not secret and can be found elsewhere as well.

Another problem is that he keeps changing his courses and over the years he created at least 1 per 8 months.

His courses are probably not good enough to remain popular for a long time.

I have learned an ever-green method that generates 4 figures online.
It is not a get-rich-quick scheme and it requires effort and time, but at the end of the day, I generate income while I sleep (so to speak).

Below is a link where you can check the method I use. It is possible to get started for free and test it out.

What is Bill Gene Is Marketing?

Billy Gene Is Marketing – It is a name of a marketing education course, that belongs to a guy named Billy Gene (makes sense, right? :))

His students are supposed to learn how to market their business, some marketing tricks, and how to sell on social media Like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram using Ads.

In fact, I’ve come across his course on Facebook. watching ad like this :

Billy Gene Marketing Review

You have probably noticed that his ads are informal – entertaining and that I like them. For some, it might be even quite humorous.

He runs also a YouTube channel with more than 76K subscribers and more than 2M views.

Here is one of the videos you can take a look at:

It is important to mention that his courses are not for beginners.

With that being said if you are a newbie and looking for ways how to start earning money online, I would save the money and check other courses, for example at Udemy.

More About the Bily Gene is Marketing

Billy Gene Is Marketing, Inc. was founded in 2012 (or 2013).
The headquarters is in Sand Deigo, CA as per the screenshot below.

Billy Gene Marketing Review

The company has grown over the past years and currently, it has up to 50 employees and thousands of clients.

Who is Billy Gene?

Billy Gene is an internet marketer, influencer, and entrepreneur, in one word, he is a Guru.

Billy Gene Marketing Review

He grew up in Sand Diego and like many of these Gurus, dropped out of college.

Billy created an ad agency but only after he came across Facebook ads, did his agency start to grow.
Basically, he learned how to create an effective Facebook ad, and started calling up businesses to help them out with ads.

This was in the early 2010s and Billy Hene Is Marketing Inc was founded in 2013.

To sum it up, he moved from his parents’ house to buy a Bentley.
Very impressive.

His net worth is estimated to be about $9 million.

Who is it For?

As already mentioned, this course is not for newbies.

People who already run their businesses might learn something from Billy, but he does not teach them how to start an online business from scratch.

This platform is also for guys with big goals and marketers who want to improve their internet marketing strategies.

Sure it requires self-discipline and generally speaking at least a $200 budget per month (membership and ads cost something).

Billy Gene Is Marketing Products and Prices

He does not have a single course that he offers.

Billy has several courses and he keeps changing them from time to time.

It almost looks like the automotive industry.
A change is “required” every 6 months.

I believe it is more important to teach evergreen methods and adapt them over time when required.

Billy probably realizes that people are not patient and it is in their nature to seek new shiny objects.

As of this writing, Billy offers a course:

 Monthly Genius Ad-Vantage Membership $97

It seems that it was an offer for $49, but currently, it is not available and the price is $97 per month.

Just before completing the order, you see a “one-time offer” (upsell) for an additional $69.
(This is optional, and you don’t have to pay for it)

Billy Gene Marketing Review

He used to have other courses and here are some of them.

Billy Gene Marketing Review

Let’s go through a few of them, how much they cost and what kind of information you get.

YouTube Advertising for GENEIUSes – $997

Billy Gene Marketing Review

This course teaches how to create YouTube ads. Nothing special, and if you go to Youtube you will find a lot of tutorials concerning Youtube Ads.

He used to offer this course for $997.
That is something worth considering when it comes to Billy Gene’s marketing methods.

Sell like a GENEIUS – $997

Billy Gene Marketing Review

This specific course is about how to close the sale. It can be applied in the offline world as well.

But why spend another almost $1,000 on something available for free?
Just check the short video about how Grant Cardone closes the sale.

Just a note:
I am not crazy about Grant, but he has a lot of stuff available for free on his YouTube channel. In my opinion much more valuable than Billy Gene’s YouTube channel.

Clicks into Customers 2.0 ($1,497)

Billy Gene Marketing Review

Here, Billy is teaching how to create efficient PPC ads.

This course consists of videos, and it also shows how to create funnels and how to convert people into sales.

Did you see the price tag?
Almost $1,500 per 1 course? Isn’t this ridiculous?

No, it is not – imagine a few people buying such a course.

There is plenty of money for Billy to run ads using this money. The more people the ad reaches the more sales he makes.
For Billy, it makes sense to charge 15 hundred bucks.

To be honest, the course has its value, but not worth the cost. There is no magic within this course, only because of the price.
Expensive does not mean better.

For a 1/3 of that price, you can have a one-year Premium membership in a different education platform teaching everything from scratch (including sales funnels, email marketing, Google and Bing Ads, and a lot more).

Billy Gene’s Gene Pool ($8,613)

Billy Gene Marketing Review

This is allegedly one of his more popular courses.

He goes through many different topics, like copywriting, funnels (again), and sales, but never gets into one thing in detail.

Members who have the budget for it and purchase it, have access to:

  • Previous training
  • Private Facebook Group
  • Live weekly training with Billy
  • and more

But who has a budget of more than $8,000 for a single course?

Here is some good news

At the end of 2020, he did offer all those for just $49.

Well, really?
Yeah – it really looked like he was about to retire and offered all of his courses for less than $50.

Billy Gene Marketing Review

A Fact?
Another marketing trick is to attract more people.

Another Fact?
Yes, the price is not $49, as there are many upsells.
It is possible to skip all those “offers” but in the end, there is not a lot of content for $49…

For example, One of his upsells cost $500.
He asks you to become a lifetime member for like $500 (250 right now and 250 in 30 days).

Again, very misleading, even with the whole package.

Billy Gene’s Current Offer 2021

He uses a new website, www.getbillysadvantage.com that was registered only on January 19th, 2021.

Billy Gene Marketing Review

As mentioned above, his current offer is for $97 per month + upsells.
One of the upsells is revealed right before completing the order and for an additional $69, you can get:

  • Private event recording
  • Sales training materials
  • Private interviews
  • Worksheet and Workbook
  • and so on.

Is it worth it?

Based on Billy’s marketing past, it is obvious that he does not deliver as promised.

Besides, for less than $50 per month, I can recommend a different course, with no upsells no hidden fees, teaching how to choose a proper niche, how to create a website without any coding, and how to get free (organic) traffic.

And most importantly how to monetize the website.

There is no need to spend thousands of dollars to run a successful business online.

What others have to say about Billy Gene

I have checked some other websites to find out what other people think about Billy Gene Is Marketing.

According to the BBB website, there are 7 customer reviews and 4 complaints.

Billy Gene Marketing Review

Let me pick for you the one with 5 stars and one with 1 star.

The positive one is very general and I tend to believe the 1 star a little is a bit more.

How about other review sites (Yelp)?

Here is one negative one:

Billy Gene Marketing Review

And here is one positive one:

Billy Gene Marketing Review

And another review site, Trustpilot:

Billy Gene Marketing Review

It doesn’t look bad.

But if you look closer you see that this is exactly the same review as the one above (the very first one from “Heat Lab Studio”.

Billy Gene Marketing Review

Besides, on Trustpilot, there are many reviews on both extreme sides. Nothing in the middle.

That might mean that some people were asked to leave positive reviews.

In other words, I understand that one can have mixed feelings about those reviews, however even if the truth is somewhere in the middle, I wouldn’t buy his products.

Is Billy Gene is Marketing a Scam?

This is a good question.

For some people this is a scam, for others, it is not.

Does he deliver value?
Yes, he does.

Is he misleading?
Well, sort of.

Especially what I find misleading is his claim about the price of the course. In fact, once you buy it, you have to go through a funnel with additional “optional” offers.

I wonder, how many people just skip these offers to pay only the front-end price.

In the end, the amount of information you get is not worth it and that is why some people call it a scam.

I personally wouldn’t buy his course, well not anymore.
I am aware of such a course and it reminds me of people like John Crestani (and his Super affiliate System, the latest version), or other similar projects.

Billy Gene falls into the same category as Tai Lopez.

Billy Gene Marketing Review

On one hand, I agree it is important to put effort and time into it, and only then one can have a result.

The question is, how good the information is? How good the training is?

I spent about a year searching for a course that showed me how to make money online.
Also, I bought the Super Affiliate system (mentioned above), but I was not happy with that at all. It was a bunch of information that was not applicable, it was not step-by-step training.

Eventually, I wanted to learn how to create a website and that was it.
Then I realized that I needed to learn how to drive free traffic to my site, and none of these courses were teaching that.

Finally, in late 2017, I stumbled upon one particular platform, where I found a very detailed course. The beginning of the course was easy for me since I knew already how to use WordPress (the basic stuff).

But then I did slow down and had to pay attention to how to optimize the website for SEO, so it is recognized by Google and how to gain site authority.

Once I have chosen a proper niche, I started with content creation and today I earn 4 figures.

At the bottom of this article, there is a link directing to the platform.

If you want to learn more about affiliate marketing and how to monetize a website, click on it and I will welcome you there.

What I like About Billy Gene Platform

  • Billy Gene is a successful internet marketer and guru. He has earned his position and know-how to become make money.
  • He goes right to the point

What I don’t like about Billy Gene Platform

  • His courses are too expensive and at the end of the day do not deliver quality. In other words, that stuff he teaches can be found elsewhere for much less.
  • All his courses contain upsells, and for some, this is misleading (meaning he shows you a price tag, but once you buy the course you have to go through the tunnel peppered with upsells.)
    I find this annoying.
  • His courses do not go deep enough

Some Thoughts at the End – Conclusion

Billy is someone who has made millions of dollars online, there’s no doubt about that.

However, his courses are not suitable for beginners, especially for those who are tight on budget, like I used to be. Another thing to note is that no course is worth $1,000, and Billy probably realized that.

So, if you already have your own online business and are looking for ways to improve it, this is a good opportunity to purchase all of Billy’s courses.

However, if you have no idea how to start, BGIM is not for you.

Don’t worry, though, there is a great platform that is perfect for beginners.

If you have any questions or concerns, please use the comment section below and let us know what you think about BGIM.

Are you interested in learning how to create a website and make four or more digits online?
At the very bottom of this article, you will find a link that directs you to the platform that teaches long-term proven strategies.

It has great support, an extremely helpful community, webinars, and much more.
Just sign up, test it out for free, and I will welcome you.

You can let me know what you think of it;

Thank you for reading

About the Author

Mike is an affiliate marketing analyst, content creator, and the founder of SetAffiliateBusiness.com.

Consistently producing in-depth and insightful articles. 📚💻


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4 thoughts on “Billy Gene is Marketing Review”

  1. Haha thanks for the article my guy! I actually found this post really helpful. I’ve been looking for a sure-fire way to make money online, and I haven’t had much success in the past. I’ve run into so many scammers and people who just look to take your money. I’ve seen Billy Gene’s ads so many times in the past. I gotta admit, he’s great at convincing people to listen to him. Thankfully I never did that, as I can clearly see from your post that he’s not the right direction for me to go in. I’ll make sure to steer far away from him. 

    • Glad you like it. 

      I know exactly what you talking about. It took me more than a year to find a legitimate platform that delivers value. 

      Billy Gene is one of the many Gurus that know how to convince people, as you say. 
      But it is not worth the price he is asking. 

      Thank you for your comment
      Appreciate it

  2. Hey Mike. Very interesting article. Im just starting my adventure with digital marketing and posts like this are extremely useful. To be fair I was reading before a bit about Billy Gene platform and opinions were quite mixed. Looking on your review it seems its legit business, but at the same time I don’t think its best choice for beginners. There are cheaper alternatives and I don’t think I would like to invest money and time in this site.

    • Hello and thanks a lot for your comment. 

      You are right, Billy’s courses are not for beginners. 
      Besides, one needs a budget for that, but the quality of content he offers is questionable. 

      As you mention, there are certainly cheaper alternatives. 

      Wishing you all the best 


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