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Funnel Base Review

Do you already have a website and are you looking for ways how to convert more visitors into customers?

You have stumbled upon this product called Funnel Base by Cindy Donovan and you are wondering whether this new software will help you to get more customers, right?

I am glad you do your research first.
In this Funnel Base review, we are going to check what is Funnel Base, how it works, what is the price, who can benefit from using it, and more.

Regarding the price, I want to inform you that there are a couple of upsells, so let’s just be prepared that the advertising price is not the final number.

By the time you are done reading this post, you will know whether to invest in Funnel Base or not.

Please note, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Funnel Base. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any recommendations and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

Funnel Base Overview

Product Name: Funnel Base
Price to Join: 27$ + Upsells
Creator: Cindy Donovan
Do I recommend it?
Not Entirely, Read the Whole review

Funnel Base Review – Quick Summary

Funnel Base is a SaaS that helps your website with conversions using Social Proofs widgets.

The creator is Cindy Donovan;
She is a well-known person in the affiliate marketing industry.

This software can be integrated within any major platform including Shopify, Wix, Woo, or WordPress.

It can be customized according to your preferences.
The problem can be the price, where the full package can cost you more than $100 per month.

The thing is that such tools are not really useful, since there are a lot of things that are out of your control.

To make a consistent income online, it would be ideal to have your own website where you drive free (organic) traffic.

In case you would like to learn more check out the link below:

What is Funnel Base?

Funnel Base is a software-as-a-service platform (or Saas) that is supposed to help you to convert more visitors into customers.

With this software, you can display different messages showing how many visitors are using your website or who recently made a purchase or signed up.

Funnel Base Review

Here is what it can do for you:

  • show customers reviews
  • collect emails
  • collect phone numbers
  • create scratch coupons and more

If you have a website with product reviews you might want to integrate for example a star rating as a widget. So people will be more attracted to that specific product. These widgets can be customized and you can have them anywhere on your website.

You can integrate this software into any platform including, WordPress, Zapier, Shopify, Wix, and Squarespace. Weebly and more.

It is assumed that social proof can convince people to do what others do.
Funnel Base is presented as a digital form of “word of mouth” as being still one of the most powerful tools for sales.

Who Is Behind?

Funnel Base Review

The creator of the Funnel Base Review is Cindy Donovan.

Now, a good thing is that she is a real person. The reason I mentioned that is there is a lot of products where we have no idea who is the creator. Such products are usually very misleading, in some instances scams.

Cindy is from Australia and is quite famous in the online marketing world.  She is an affiliate marketer, product creation veteran and according to the linked-in sites, a “Strategic connector to all-from newbies to billionaires”.

Her products are simple to use and she tries to help small business owners, and people doing affiliate marketing increase their earnings.
Let me mention some of her earlier products, such as Eye Slick, Traffic Ivy, and DFY Hero.  I reviewed the last two and in my opinion, they are helpful to some extent.

She seems to be active when it comes to launching new products or in her case the SaaS (Software as Service).

As for February 2020, she has a new product called Funnel Base.

How Does Funnel Base Work?

There are 3 steps to follow to make this Saas work.

  1. Connect to your website – Simply add one line code to your website
  2. Design your notifications – You can create and modify the notifications in whatever way you want it
  3. Grow your business – By applying the 2 points above you should be able to generate more conversions and leads.

Funnel Base automatically captures reviews, and adds the star rating including video testimonials. They are shown at the right time to the right audience, just to make more sales for you.

I am not quite sure how an application or widget can display the rating to the right person at the right time; I assume the ratings are shown to everybody. It may be different based on a geographical position.
But for each website, there are different “right people”.

Funnel Base Review

Here is the Funnel Base back office.

On your right-click on the “install Pixel” to get your code. You will use this code on your website.

Funnel Base Review

And here you read instructions on how you can embed the code.

Funnel Base Review

You can then create 4 types of campaigns.

  1. Proof
  2. Leads
  3. Retention
  4. Information

You can modify each campaign and once you satisfy with it, enter the name of the campaign.

Funnel Base Review

Here is an example of the email campaign, where you can send your prospector an email asking how he was satisfied with the service or product.

Funnel Base Review

You can save the campaigns under the name you chose, set the duration and time, and delay and you can set them active/inactive.

Funnel Base Review

It is easy to use the software, you can customize all the campaigns, and change colors so it matches your brand or website theme.

Is There Support?

Funnel Base has also a support page.

You can log in to the support portal and raise your ticket and track their status.

Funnel Base Review

How Much Does Funnel Base Cost?

Here we are getting to the point where you as a potential business owner will decide whether this SaaS is something you want to invest in, or you will live without it.

First of all, I want to mention that there is no free trial, no starter membership (even limited) one where you can test it out.

There are several options and also several upsells, so let’s break it down:

  1. Option: Funnel Base Starter Pack costs $27
  2. Option: Funnel Base Deluxe costs $27 (for early birds) at the beginning.
    The price should be $37 after the launch.

Upsell #1:

Funnel Base Premium Upgrade: $17.97/m to $37.97/m

You as a potential premium member have access to unlimited campaigns and you can collect more email reviews.

Upsell #2:

Funnel Base Agency: $69.97 or $97.97/m

Members get access to a ready-to-go business, unlocking more funnels, impressions, and features.

With that being said, if you want to have a full package, the cost is then $162.94 for the first month.

My suggestion would be to start with the lowest cost possible, test the platform out, and then based on the results, go on with the upgrade or cancel the membership.

What do I like?

  • Simple, easy to set up and navigate platform
  • Customization of campaign
  • Can be useful for a lot of business

What I don’t like?

  • The price with upsells
  • Not a free trial
  • Not for newbies (If you looking for an entire platform on how to start generating income online Funnel Base is not (yet) for you)

Is There a Better Deal?

Funnel Base Review

Originally I did not plan to use this section, but after reviewing the price structure I have decided to show you a different option.

Funnel Base can be an upgrade to your already running business. It does not teach you how to drive traffic or how to make a sale online.
It is not meant to do that.

But I see many affiliate marketers especially in the earlier stage, (those who have a start-up budget) buying fancy upgrades and tools and software, thinking that they will increase their income.

A tool like Funnel Base is only for well-established businesses. People who already know what it takes to drive the traffic and how to make a conversion.
Funnel Base can help these people to increase sales.

If you are in the early stages of your business (let’s say you have your website but you have less than 100 unique visitors per day or less) I would not invest in this tool.

I think it is wiser to work on the website, to get more organic traffic, and then start leveraging it with tools like Funnel Base.
In case you are interested in how to get free (organic) traffic, I can show you a review of one platform where I have learned how to make it happen.

The platform is free to get started – meaning they offer a 7-day free membership (no credit card needed). But before you sign up for anything, it is better to learn more about the platform.

Final Verdict

Funnel Base was launched at the end of February.

My prediction is that people will buy it   – mostly people who are excited about new products and new launches.

Those doing some research and having an entrepreneurial spirit will probably find a cheaper solution – f.e the plug for free. WordPress offers many plugins for free and if you like to use the rating stars plugin, here is one I can recommend.

It is called Schema – All In One Schema Rich Snippets

Regarding the email campaigns, there are many autoresponder services, for free. You can use MailChimp for free or start with another company MadMimi for $10 a month.

These autoresponder services might not look as fancy as the Funnel Base, but they offer different functions. I mean, they will not replace all features the Funnel Base complete.
But I wanted to use it as an example that you can have a star rating on your website and also collect emails, both for 10% of what Funnel Base costs.

But don’t get me wrong.
If you have a budget and you like the idea of having these widgets, by all means, go and try them.

Hope you find this review helpful,
If there is anything you want to discuss or you have additional questions, don’t hesitate and let me know in the comment section below.

Here I have a little invitation for you – to check my other review regarding a platform teaching how to set up a business online from scratch.
You are welcome to read it through.

How to have a sustainable income online?

Would you like to learn how to make a consistent income online?

Choose a business model that works.
One of the simplest ones is called affiliate marketing and I can show you what needs to be done to start making money with a simple website/blog.

By following the step-by-step training you will learn how to create such a website and how to drive free traffic.

8 thoughts on “Funnel Base Review”

  1. Hello!

    I really enjoyed reading your honest and kind review. People who, like you, have a few years of experience in online business can clearly understand a true nature of internet marketing realm. Unfortunately most of so-called gurus are selling outdated desaturated methods and/or low quality services, software and plugins. 

    It’s very complicated situation for newbies to differentiate good products from bad ones. I was in that place myself, buying scam methods and plugins in order to earn some money – it didn’t work.

    I hope your review will lead new generation of online marketers to the right direction and will show them how to build a legitimate profitable business.

    Good job!


    • Thanks a lot for your comment. 

      It is important to do the research… it takes a bit of time but soon everyone can tell what is a valuable product and what is a fraud. 

      Glad you find it helpful, wishing you all the best 


  2. Very interesting concept and at first glance I must admit the product looks very interesting and is filling a genuine gap in the market. However reading further, I see that there is no free or limited trial offers and for a brand new product, it leaves me feeling uncomfortable. In addition, the 2 upsells makes me even more nervous. The company are not sending out the right message in my opinion, and for that reason I wouldnt be too keen on purchasing this product. Thanks for the very thorough review, greatly appreciated.


    • thank you for sharing. 

      Unfortunately, there is no free trial. You are right. 

      And regarding the upsells – it looks like it works for Cindy. She always uses the upsells among all her products, including the Funnel Base. 

      I am glad the review helped you to make a solid decision.
      Wishin you all the best

  3. I had never heard of Funnel Base or Saas for that matter, but after your in depth review I can see things a lot clearer. It’s a great write up but I do not think the product is for me, not yet anyway. As a new affiliate marketer I will probably stay away from looking into it until I am hitting around the 100 unique visitors per day you recommend. Great research and post.

    • Hello Mike,

      Yes, the Funnel Base is a new system and I don’t think it has a lot of value – especially for new internet marketers. 

      I am glad you find the article helpful. 
      if you have any other questions, let me know

  4. Great article and great information.  I was looking over this funnel base system and the first thing I thought of was “is she real?” lol.  I would love to know if you use it or if you know of anyone that uses it and what yours or theirs experience with it has been?  I’m thinking if you do, it’s not very good since it only received 5 out of 10 stars.  Thanks for the write up!

    • I as an affiliate marketer took a chance and went to try the system before it has been launched.
      I did try the demo version and I must say it looks fancy.
      Easy to use.
      It may even make your life a bit easier.

      But after trying it for a while I realized that it is like an additional feature that I don’t really need. But I must point out that I am a bit conservative, meaning I am not crazy about all the new stuff that just left the production line, so to speak.

      So as for Funnel Base, I will pass. I am glad I tried it but won’t be using it.


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