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What is Secret Online Goldmine?

Have you already checked the digital product called Secret Online Goldmine and you want to know whether it worth your money and time?
I am going to reveal right here, that the Goldmine is not that much gold for you as it is for the owner.

And the identity of the owner is unknown as well, which is a first red flag.
Even though there is a person at the very beginning of the sales video claiming that she is the founder. We will see that it is not true.

But let’s start step-by-step. What is the Secret Online Goldmine?

Secret Online Goldmine (SOG) is a Clickbetter digital product that promises you to make $500 a day. Do not confuse ClickBetter with ClickBank.
ClickBetter is also an internet retailer website with many products including digital ones.

It is similar to ClickBank, but ClickBetter has been around since 2012 whereas ClickBank had been founded back in 1998.

Secret Online Goldmine should teach you how to make money by selling other products.

Name: Secret Online Goldmine
Website: www.secretonlinegoldmine.com
Price: Advertised Price $47 + Upsells
Owners: April Collins (Identity not confirmed)

Product Overview

Secret Online Goldmine is a new digital product that can be purchased on ClickBetter. The sales pitch is full of red flags.

It starts out with a promise that you can make $500 a day. It seems that they already have made some updates since I remember a few months ago the claim used to be $787 a day.

Other than unrealistic income claims they want you to believe that you are just about to discover a “secret online goldmine that has generated a mind-bending 8 figures online income for people just like you”.
It goes on that you are about to receive April’s patented 8 figure cash flow goldmine websites. (April Collins is the alleged owner)

First of all this April girl is not a real person behind the SOG. Unless she has a second job as a model for Shutterstock.


What is Secret Online Goldmine

You can actually purchase this very same photo as well.

On top of that, they use paid actors as it is common with other digital products as well. Check out 3 persons who made short testimonial videos. The quality of acting is different, but you can tell they are actors. Watch the 3rd guy:

Here is just an example of a guy I can recognize already very easily.

What is Secret Online Goldmine

This guy did a short video for another digital product Spring Profits.

These few facts alone are already a deal-breaker for me.
If I were to have my own product, I would make sure to use my real customers for testimonials.

The Good & the Bad

  • Money-Back Guarantee
  • Training Available
  • N/A


  • Fake Testimonials and fake owner
  • Upsells up to $290
  • Unrealistic income claims


Who is it For?

This is a typical product whose purpose is to target newbies in internet marketing.
They just want to take advantage of inexperienced people who want to learn how to build an online business. No wonder that many many newbies have doubts about internet courses online, even if they are legit platforms (I understand that most of them are misleading).

It is said that you can set an account within the SOG and start making money within a few minutes. She – as April “founder” of SOG will take care of the rest.
She mentions that she already did help people with zero computer skills who never made a penny online.

According to the statement from this April, she gave them access to her secret online goldmine method, “and the website they got did the rest of the work”.

You just need to copy April’s method and check your earnings a few times a week. If you don’t generate any results from the partnership fee you can simply ask for the money back.

Well, of course, ClickBetter has the same policy as ClickBank – 60 days money-back guarantee, so at the end, it can’t be called a scam (at least according to my opinion).

Secret Online Goldmine Tools & Training

Inside the member’s area, right in the middle, you are prompted to upgrade right away. You can ignore it and concentrate on several Modules on the left-hand side.

What is Secret Online Goldmine

  1. Module – Pre-Setup
    1. Pick Your Page – You can pick your page with an offer link. As part of the basic course, you can choose from 3 options. Then you can unlock 10 more, but these are already part of the 1st upsell called Secret Online Mega Miner.
    2. Register Your Page – Here you find almost a 5-minute long video on how to set up Click Funnels and then the offer to get free 14 days trial to click funnels.
    3. Activate $ Account – In this area, you can watch less than a 4-minute video on how to set up your affiliate account with ClickBank.
      You can actually check my post, where you also find a video on how to create a ClickBank account.
  2. Module 2 – Setup
    1. Get Your Offer – Here you can get your offer. Basically, there are affiliate links to other ClickBank products you can start to promote. If someone buys you get the commission.
    2. Import Your $ Page – Here is again a video on how to import lead capture pages into click funnels.
    3. Thank You, Page – Instruction on how to install your “thank you page”.
    4. Test System – You can test what you have just set up.
  3. Module 3 – Make Money
    1. Cloak Your Link – This should increase your profit. You are prompted here to use the click-magick. You will get the 14-day free trial by signing up directly to “clickmagick”.
    2. Rotate Offers – This is already within the “clickmagick”.
    3. Traffic – Traffic equals money. That is correct. But in the case of buying the traffic, you can also easily lose a lot of money. And to me, this might be the case since you are recommended to buy Solo Ads.
    4. Build More Pages – This is just the same thing as in Module 1, they just want you to unlock 10 more lead pages, which is an upsell.

What is Secret Online Goldmine


4. Module 4 – Traffic

    1. Desktop Lightning – This supposed to be another traffic source. It says that this instantly promotes your website to thousands of buyers by clicking the image, which is within this section.
    2. 100 Ways to Get Traffic – In this section you find a page with tips on how to get traffic. Here are examples of what is inside the article: Twitter traffic, Create Facebook Page, Info-graphic, produce videos on YouTube, Watermark your Videos, Build an Email List, Use Squeeze Pages, Create Content, and so on.
      – There are only 2 or 3 sentences to each section, so no “magic” there.
    3. Traffic Video Course – Here is a section teaching you what is traffic  (55 seconds video), free traffic ideas (2 min and 49 seconds video) paid traffic options (more than 20 minutes)

5. Module 5 – Motivation

    1. This whole section is about setting the right mindset, which is very important, I do agree.

At the very bottom, underneath the Help Section, there is the last module, called Resources. Here is a list of Affiliate Forums you can join.

If you are interested in how to find a specific forum page regarding your niche, you can check my post on Referral Traffic.


At the very bottom of the Menu, there is a Help Section. You can read the FAQ. Also, you can find the system customer support as well as a link to ClickFunnels Support and ClickMagick Support.

You probably already seen the telephone number at the very top where it says “Call you coach”.

So the support looks good. Maybe one thing I would like to mention.
I have seen in other products like Commission Hero (product by #1 Affiliate Robby Blanchard), or Four Percent (by Vick Strizheus) that they use also a Facebook page as part of the support. This is very good for the members. They can share their ideas, ask questions and support each other.

Secret Online Goldmine Price Structure

The basic price is $47, which I assume is not recurring. It should be a 1-time fee only.

What is Secret Online Goldmine

On top of that, you have 2 upsells. You can upgrade directly from a member’s area.

Here is a short overview of these upsells:

  1. Secret Online Mega Miner  – costs $167. You can unlock 10 more done for your business worth $3,000. That estimation is made by the founders of SOG. It is said that you can unlock “huge” traffic sources.
  2. Lucky Strike – costs $19.95 a month
  3. Mother Lode – costs $97

You have to consider also additional costs regarding the SoloAds.
Since they do not teach you how to drive organic traffic to your site, you would have to buy the traffic most likely using SoloAds, where you could easily spend an additional $500.

My Final Opinion of  Secret Online Goldmine

The unrealistic income claims, fake founder, and paid actors for testimonials are deal-breaker for me.

It is true, that you will find some sort of training inside the platform, but I guess it is not worth the $47. Let alone the upsells which I am sure won’t work anyways.
You pay the basic $47 for some information which could be found easily for free. In my opinion that teaches you only how to set up a ClickBank account, and how to promote the products featured on CB.

One thing they are right about. Traffic equals money.
But they want you to get the traffic by buying solo ads. That means additional coupe hundred of dollars. And the results of this kind of traffic is always questionable.

To give you an overview I have compared SOG with one of the best online platforms and the result is obvious.

Is There a Better Opportunity?

If you looking for a legit way how to really make money online, then I have something for you, you might be interested in.
This platform I am mentioning does not give any empty promises. Their training is legit, there are more than 300,000 active members and many of them are 6 or 7 digit earners. You can actually see some real testimonials in another post of mine.

What people like about his opportunity is that everyone can get started for free.
There is no credit card required – in fact you can get started today just by entering your email address and you will be part of the single most helpful community in the world.

Test out the platform by yourself, in the worst case you can still go search for something that suits you better.

Here is just a little comparison for you

Secret Online Goldmine at a Glance…

Name: Secret Online Goldmine
Website: www.secretonlinegoldmine.com
Price: Advertised Price $47 + Upsells
Owners: April Collins (Identity not confirmed)

Overall Rank:


All in All, I do not recommend spending $47 for Secret Online Goldmine.

We have mentioned the red flags as paid actors, not the real founder and unrealistic income claims.
Besides these, the training they offer will not give you enough information to become an independent online business owner, and certainly, you can’t earn a few hundred bucks within 3 or 6 hours.

This is very misleading and if the ClickBetter as a retailer, does not have the 60 days money-back guarantee policy, I would call this SOG program scam.

Originally I thought that ClickBetter was going to offer better quality, but so far it seems there is no difference.

If you have questions regarding this particular program let me know in the section below. Also if you are interested in how to start an online business, I’d be more than happy to help you out.

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing Business?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without a prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to generate a consistent income in the long run. 

Get Started For FREE 

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