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What Is Digital Formula About

If you are interested in making money online and you happen to be on Facebook, I am sure you have already seen some offer, on how to make money from cryptocurrency. This topic has been quite hot for several years. And just recently I have found a product on ClickBank where the owner claims, that he will help you making money using cryptocurrency.c

It is called Digital Formula. The website has been created in summer 2018 and it seems that the traffic has already dropped. Is it possible that it is not that lucrative anymore?
Or they don’t invite more customers anymore?

I was curious, what is Digital Formula about, so here we go with a review of this ClickBank product.

First, we start with an overview of Digital Formula (DF), what is it that they have to offer. We will check the members’ area and also the price structure.

At the end, I will do my best to give you an objective summary of the entire program.

UPDATE November 2019
As expected, this product is not available anymore. I have been in touch with ClickBank representatives and I was told that products with a high refund rate are removed from ClickBank.
It is not available on ClickBetter either. 

You can read this review if you want to, so you can learn about the red flags. You can then recognize such a misleading product within a few seconds. 

If you don’t waste your time anymore and you still want to find out how to create a website and find out more about ways how to monetize it, I suggest you read my #1 recommendation

Name: Digital Formula
Website: www.digitalformula.co
Price: Advertised Price $17 + Upsells
Owners: Neil Carter (probably made up)

Product Overview

This ClickBank product called Digital Formula should teach you how to buy and sell cryptocurrency profitably.

At the very beginning of the DF sales pitch, they try to impress the potential customer with this big thing – the feature of cryptocurrency. They do it by the selection of highlights from TV news. These shots are just taken out of the context and have nothing to do with the actual product.
Some ClickBank products use this technique to make an impression on you. I guess it is just a cheap trick, and to me, it is a first red flag.
what is digital formula about

Another red flag is the fake scarcity they use throughout the sales video. They want you to believe that you have been carefully selected to view the exclusive video that is available in your country.

This is very misleading. Think about that – DF is a ClickBank product and CB provides services in more than 200 countries.
So this video is available in all of these countries as well and you can watch it as many times as you wish.

The list of red flags goes on – this time I must mention the fake testimonials. All testimonials are recorded by paid actors.

what is digital formula about

They use more than 4 testimonials but I just selected this guy, since I like him. He looks like Ross Geller from the Show Friends 🙂
As you can see he can be easily hired ad Fiverr and you can check it by clicking at the link.

You can find hundreds of such actors. Just go to fiverr.com and in the search bar type “spokesperson”.

The same pattern has other ClickBank products just like Daily Profit, or Spring Profit. They also use paid actors for their testimonials.

But I digress;

This guy Neil shares with you his personal account to show you how much money he makes, investing cryptocurrency. It is something over $115,000 a month. How does he do it?
Apparently, he discovered a new cryptocurrency loophole that allows us to buy and sell coins profitably.

He goes on saying, that there is a future in cryptocurrency and that it is comparable with dot com bubble and he uses such examples just to convince you about how this cryptocurrency topic hot is.

It is said that DF is smartly designed to guide you on how to invest profitably in cryptocurrency.

We will check the member’s area to find out what kind of information we will learn.

The Good & the Bad

  • Price is low
  • Money-back guarantee
  • N/A

  • The owner is probably not a real person
  • Fake scarcity (multiple times)
  • Fake testimonials
  • Lack of proper training and support

Who is it For?

“It does not matter, how old you are, or you have no trading experience at all”

This is exactly the sentence used in the sales pitch of the DF video. That being said, this product is for everybody who wants to make money with Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency.

At least, that is the targeted group for this product, according to this Neil guy. Heck according to him you don’t even have to have a lot of money. Apparently, you can start investing for as little as $10.

All you need is a framework for making the right cryptocurrency investments;

  • picking the right coins
  • knowing when to buy
  • knowing when to sell

And this information, you are said you will get with Digital Formula.

Digital Formula Tools & Training

One would think that DF will provide you with some “insight” information some video tutorials or webinars.

The thing is that the welcome page contains 5 links, and the first one is not even secure. (I mean it is mid of 2019, who does not use the secure connection, right?)

what is digital formula about

If you scroll down, you find 2 additional links.

The first is just a file with 26 pages about cryptocurrency.
Second, you can download 10 additional PDF files.

what is digital formula about

To be precise there are 10 PDF files + Checklist and Resource + Cheat Sheet.

These Guides are about 10 pages long each. Here is a brief overview:

  1. File – Guide 1: What are Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency
  2. File – Guide 2: How is Value of Bitcoin Determined
  3. File – Guide 3: Different techniques to acquiring bitcoin
  4. File – Guide 4: Everything you need to know about Bitcoin Mining
  5. File – Guide 5: Storing your Bitcoin and another cryptocurrency safely
  6. File – Guide 6: Trading and Selling your Bitcoin for profit
  7. File – Guide 7: Using Bitcoin as an investment strategy
  8. File – Guide 8: Accepting and using Bitcoin in your business
  9. File – Guide 9: Protect yourself against fraud and theft
  10. File – Guide 10: The Future of Cryptocurrency

To me, this entire product is like when you go to a restaurant, and the waiters ask you for $17 and he shows you where is the kitchen, so you can cook your own meal (with not so much stuff in the fridge)


There is no support within the members’ area. One would think that especially with such thing as cryptocurrency they as owners of the product would like to provide proper support to their clients.
It seems that the owners probably know not much more than their clients, about cryptocurrency.

I hate to be ironic (especially when I try to deliver an unbiased review), but to me, it seems like they just want to grab the money and disappear.
Every descent product has a support page, email, telephone number, or any sort of contact.

The only support page I can offer you is the ClickBank support. So in case you accidentally paid for DF, you just go to the CB support page, and within 5 business days, you have your money back on your account.

Digital Formula Price Structure

Most of these ClickBank products use marketing techniques, such as “You have been chosen to get the 50% discount”, or “if you hurry up you get $5 off” and so on and so on. Of course with Digital Formula, you can become a member today only for $17.

The same will be valid tomorrow, and the same price was a month ago.

what is digital formula about

Besides the basic price, there are 2 upsells.

  • First Upsell is called Airdrops package and the price is $197. (I guess there is a downsell to it, with it the cost is $97)
  • The second Upsell called the Digital Academy Package costs $147

My Final Opinion of Digital Formula

I am not an expert in cryptocurrency, so for me personally is not easy to judge whether it is possible to make a profit cryptocurrency.

Maybe it is.

But I can assure you, that buying this product called Digital Formula does make you a profitable businessman with cryptocurrencies.

There is too much noise regarding cryptocurrency, so one can get easily overwhelmed with that much information. Therefore, I have a tendency to trust people who already mean something in the financial world:

Anyways, if you want to make money by investing in Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency, by all means, you are free to do so.
I would suggest you find different sources of knowledge.

Digital Formula is just a cheap program pretending they know what they talking about but the only purpose is to take your money.

An Alternative – How to Really Make Money Online

At this point, you are probably wondering, is there any legit platform where one can learn how to actually make money using the internet?
Yes, there is. There are probably more of them but I would like to show you one particular one where you don’t need to use your credit card.

It is an online training on how to create a website, how to drive traffic – you know the SEO stuff so you will be able to outrank the competition.
I have done a review of this training so you know what to expect (I have included screenshots).

I think you might be impressed with the intensity of the training.

Digital Formula at a Glance…

Name: Digital Formula
Website: www.digitalformula.co
Price: Advertised Price $17 + Upsells
Owners: Neil Carter (probably made up)

Overall Rank:


I don’t recommend Digital Formula.
I am not saying that you can’t make money with cryptocurrency. I am just saying that the DF will not give you enough knowledge to succeed with cryptocurrency.

There are many different opinions about making money with Bitcoin. To me, it is a bit risky.

I prefer a safer way how to make money. It is called affiliate marketing. You can work from your home, or from any other place with a connection to the internet.
The disadvantage is a learning curve and the fact that it may take several months to get the results.

But if you have patience I am sure you will be able to make a full-time income within a year. I am not giving you false promises that you will earn $1,000 in the first 2 weeks.
In fact, if you want to know what does it take, you can read my guideline where I explain how I started.

If you have any sort of questions whether that would be regarding affiliate marketing, or any other educational platform, let me know. I’d be more than happy to answer you back.

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing Business?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without a prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to generate a consistent income in the long run. 

Get Started For FREE

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