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What Is Copy Paste Income

You are doing research about Ewen Chia’s product called Copy Paste Income, right?

You would like to know whether you can make $3,000 a week, just like he claims on the sales page.
Ewen Chia is quite a famous internet marketer, so that might be a good sign.

But before we jump to the conclusion just bear in mind that not all products from Ewen are good and that is why I have decided to do this review about Copy Paste Income.

Let’s find out what Copy Paste Income is and whether you can learn some new stuff.

His product is available on ClickBank. I can’t find it on ClickBetter or other retail pages either.

His website http://www.copypasteincome.com has been created back in 2014 so it is already 5+ years old. I could not find out how much traffic this page gets. Probably not that much – but that is just a guess.

Right off the bat, I can’t say anything bad about this system. Maybe the claim he has on top of the sales page that he made $3,052.68 might be a bit hyped up.

But Let’s check out the Copy Paste Income (CPI) much more deeply.

Name: Copy Paste Income
Website: www.copypasteincome.com
Price: Advertised Price $37 + Upsells
Owners: Ewen Chia

Product Overview

As I already mentioned this product is created by a person named Ewen Chia. Unlike any other ClickBank products that do not reveal the real identity of the owner, Ewen is a real person and creator of the Copy Paste Income.

He started learning about internet marketing in 1997 and it wasn’t until 2002 when he actually started to have success.
He even wrote a book, called “How I made my first million on the Internet…”
It is available on Amazon.

As I did some further research some of his products were very good some of them not that good.

CPI is a digital product that teaches you affiliate marketing. To be more precise, it teaches how to create ebooks and how to sell the ebook with affiliate links inside.

It sounds fair enough so far.
Affiliate marketing is a real business model, in fact, it is recommended as the best option if you want to start to make some money online as a newbie.

When it comes to the actual product I started to have my doubts when he, on his sales page, referred to an alleged person named Britanny.

Apparently, she tests out one system which did not work.
Then she followed the instruction from Ewan and 24 hours later she started to hit $450+ a day.

Well to me this sounds a bit odd. Here is the screenshot from the sales website with the image of that Brittany girl.

What Is Copy Paste Income

As you can see that image is a stock image and it is to be found on the website freeimages.com and on another website as well. So this mere fact undermines the credibility of this particular product.

According to Ewan, his system is developed so everyone can use that and the traffic just flows in, “literally at the push of a button…”.

Whenever I see this “push a button” claim, I feel like leaving the site and I never want to go back.

He continues though with statements like, “this is probably the only system online that makes you money”

  • without prior experiences or skills
  • without website
  • without domain name
  • without any knowledge about how to drive traffic

There is a really long list of things you don’t need to have.

These claims are truly misleading and I am wondering how such an experienced marketer as Ewan can launch a product like this.

The Good & the Bad

  • Ewan is a real person
  • Affiliate marketing is a legit way how to make money online
  • Money-back guarantee


  • Unrealistic claims how to make money – “push-button system”
  • Price with upsells getting high
  • Testimonials are fake
  • Hard to get people to convert


Who is it For?

This product has been intended for newbies with no prior experience. And as it is announced on the sales page, if you can copy-paste, you have enough skills to make several hundred dollars on a daily basis.

And with the expertise or the system from Ewan, anyone can make this happen within 24 hours.

In my opinion, these are very exaggerated statements. No person with zero experience can generate such income in such a short period of time.
It is just not possible.

An experienced marketer who works on his product for several months, keeps getting traffic to his opt-in page can generate that kind of income, in case his product delivers the value.
But again, there is no push-button system.

I would not expect such hype from an experienced marketer like this Ewan guy is.

Copy Paste Income Tools & Training

Once you get into the members’ area, you probably notice that the back office looks a bit oldish. Or is it just my feeling?

What Is Copy Paste Income

Don’t get me wrong. Even if it might look kind of old school it does not necessarily mean that the training is bad.
We will look at each section to find out.

Let’s have a look at what is inside the “Complete Coaching” section.

What Is Copy Paste Income

What I find good, is that you have lifetime access to these video lessons. As you see there are about 3 hours of material. The videos cover the following topics:

  1. Introduction Step: Profitable Niche
  2. Step: Affiliate Product
  3. Step: Find Relevant Keywords
  4. Step: Create Mini Ebook
  5. Step: Promote Mini Ebook
  6. The last video is Summary, Advance Strategy.

In the “Copy Paste Ebooks,” you have access to 10 ebooks.

I will name a few of them.

What Is Copy Paste Income

  • Subscriber Secrets
  • Email Profit Maximizer
  • Easy Content Cash
  • Effective List Building Secrets
  • How to Boost Your Online Sales
  • How to Create Affiliate Bonuses

So you can literally rebrand them (make them your own)  and add your ClickBank ID (your affiliate link)
Whoever receives the ebook, might read the content and also click on your affiliate link inside the content.

The last section is “Earn Easy Cash”. This is nothing else than becoming an affiliate partner with Ewan. You will see there the upsells funnel, which I will mention in the price section.

What Is Copy Paste Income


We have seen the link to the support in the section above – it is in at the beginning of the welcome page. There is an email address and also a link to the helpdesk.

If you have any concerns about the product, for some reason you are not satisfied with it and you would like to get a refund I highly recommend you contact ClickBank support directly.
That way it’ll be much faster, and once you fill out the form there are no questions asked.

Copy Paste Income Price Structure

Many of these products are not that expensive on the front end. If you take for example the product called Az Formula, you see that the basic price is really cheap. But then with upsells, you can spend up to $1,000!
So be careful since it happens quite often that these are 1 click upsells.

Apparently, with the CPI system, you are informed about the upsell right away. I like that at least somebody is transparent about the extra costs.

What Is Copy Paste Income

We have seen already the upsell structure above. Let me just remind you what the total cost might be.

Besides the front end price of $37 there are 4 upsells:

  1. One-time offer for $67
  2. Backend offer $197
  3. Backend offer for another $197
  4. And last Backend Offer for $297

You see how these might pile up. Eventually, the person who decides to buy the entire package will pay $795 (including the front-end).  That is a lot of money.

Well, I am going to mention a cheaper alternative for you down below, but here I just would like to let you know that for $800 I can have almost 2 years of Premium membership within that particular platform. And there is just a plethora of training you can go through.

My Final Opinion of Copy Paste Income

Copy Paste Income just teaches you how to make money by giving away free ebooks with some affiliate links in them.

That way, if someone will open it and go through the book, he or she may eventually click on one of the affiliate links inside, and that way you can earn money.

I mean – is that it? The idea is not bad, but how do you find people who will read those books?
Just by sharing these books on Forums or share them on social media, you will not be able to make any money.

Let’s take Facebook for example.
You probably know that if you post something, it does not reach as many people as it used to 2 or 3 years ago. And that post does not contain any links, just text, or video maybe a few images.

If you want to post or share some information containing the affiliate links Facebook doesn’t like this. Generally speaking, Facebook does not like posts where a person by clicking on it, is leaving Facebook.

So think about that:

  1. The number of people who sees your FB post (containing ebook with the affiliate links) is very low (in best case 20-30%)
  2. Out of those who click on the ebook – how many will read it?
  3. And out of those who actually read it  – how many will click on that link?
  4. Out of those who click on that link – how many will buy/convert?

And this “funnel” works if you share it on forums or any other similar website.

The point is that you need a ton of traffic to make money by applying what CPI teaches you.

Based on the fact that he reveals the commission structure inside the members’ area, I do think that many members will end up as affiliates with CPI. Otherwise, they are not going to make any money, just by applying that material inside the training section.

That makes this CPI system even less lucrative when it comes to the value of digital products. CPI becomes just one of those where people earn money only by selling the product to other people and so forth.
I am quite disappointed with the Copy Paste Income.

I had more expectations from this product.

Here Is an Alternative For You

I don’t know if you are also disappointed as I am.

But I know that there is a really good educational platform where you can learn about affiliate marketing. It teaches you how to set a website, how to get traffic, there are 300+ video training available so you can watch real professionals – over the shoulder.
The great thing is that you can start for Free.

No credit card is needed. Just use your email and you can test it out for the entire week.

To me, that is exactly what I expect from the educational platform. Tons of training, great community with over 200,000 active members from all over the world, website hosting (for about $15 a year), and just awesome support. I mean it. Me, as a member of this platform, I had some technical issues and it was solved within minutes.

If you truly want to start with an online business, WA is worth at least the free trial.

Copy Paste Income at a Glance…

Name: Copy Paste Income
Website: www.copypasteincome.com
Price: Advertised Price $37 + Upsells
Owners: Ewen Chia

Overall Rank:


Ewan does not have a bad strategy, although there are lots of important stuff this training does not cover. Therefore I will not recommend it. Besides the upsells it is getting so expensive that there is no point in joining the Copy Paste Income.

I believe that this strategy is a bit outdated. Or let me put it in this way.

Once upon a time, Ewan had created some ebooks for whatever purpose. Later he decided to collect these ebooks and throw them in a sort of training. He can offer this training within a ClickBank. He is probably aware of the low quality but he counts on his to-be affiliate partners.
These partners will offer the CPI further and just collect the commission.

Ewan is happy, affiliate partners are happy, but the person how bought the product with the intention to learn about affiliate marketing is disappointed.

This is just my opinion and you are free to confront it. Let me know what do you think in the comment section below. I would be more than happy to give you feedback.

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing Business?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to generate a consistent income in the long run. 

Get Started For FREE


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