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Four Percent Challenge Review

Have you been wondering whether you can make money if you join the Four Percent?

Well, it depends and we will be looking into the program much deeper, but I can tell you right here, that this is a high-ticket program. That means that the price can go over $1,000 easily.

Just to let you know that the Four Percent Group is a former name of the same platform, now called Four Percent. I do not know why the owner Vick Strizheus changed the name.

By now you are probably familiar with this guy Vick.
If not you can google his name and form your own opinion. I do not want to sound biased, but shortly here is what I found out;

He had been convinced in 2007 to fake life insurance applications for people who did not exist. Apparently, he made $30,000 in commissions.

Well, this was quite a time ago, and maybe he learned his lesson.

That is why we will be reviewing his new platform called Four Percent, so let’s find out whether Four Percent Challenge is a scam, or not.

Please note, that I am not a member or an affiliate of the Four Percent Challenge.
This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain.

Any recommendations and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

Name: Four Percent Challenge
Website: www.fourpercent.com
Price: Advertised Price: Different products ($297, $497, $1997 see below)
Owners: Vick Strizheus

Four Percent Challenge Review

The web page of Four Percent is a really good-looking site. Vick did his best to make it look professional.

Another good thing is that you don’t have to use your credit card to get inside the platform. Your email and confirmation of that email are good enough.
Once you are in, you see that the entire platform is full of video courses and programs. Some of them are free, and some of them are paid.

First of all, there is a short introduction video by Vick.

Four Percent Challenge Review

Then you have access to the free webinar which lasts 4 hours!
Here Vick talks about the mindset, conscious and subconscious mind.

Then he slowly comes to affiliate marketing and how to make money by joining several affiliate networks starting with ClickBank, Shareasale, and Amazon to CJ.

He creates with you also this “mental map” which, to me is too much talking.
In the end, you just feel overwhelmed.

The thing is that you can’t pause the webinar.

What I don’t like, he says that this webinar is alive and is not being recorded. The truth is that it was recorded once (maybe alive) and now whenever you decide to join it, it will be played for you, whenever you want -> I believe each hour.

I have noticed the message in the chat area where it says that comments are disabled to prevent distraction.

Four Percent Challenge Review

A few days later I went ahead and joined the webinar for 2nd time to double-check whether it was alive. 2nd it was the very same webinar as the 1st time.

I mean, nothing wrong with the recorded webinar, but he says that there is no replay.

To me, this just has a bit of an effect on his credibility. He keeps checking his cellphone – the chat where people allegedly react… maybe for the first time they did. But he makes the impression that it is alive.

He also teases you a bit about some blueprints he shows you. He says that he will give it to you at the end of the webinar.

Other than that, I must admit that his sales pitch is not that bad. He has a lot of years of experience – no doubt about it. After like 1,5 hours of this webinar you see the pop-up window with the offer you can purchase.

If a newbie listens to what Vick says he might get the impression that this offer is life-changing.

Vick makes sure that he repeats that over and over to get you to buy this Success Challenge. The Price for this course is $997.

Four Percent Challenge Review

Toward the end of the webinar, he explains how that system works and how you will make money.

As he has many products inside the Four Percent, you will be able to promote them all.
For each, you will get a commission.

Some of the courses you can promote without paying any fees, but to promote all of them, you would have to buy some of his programs.

When you get to promote all of his programs, he calls it a Multiple Income Stream.

Just to give you an idea, you can watch his video with testimonials, which I believe are legit. Most likely the affiliates are people who promote Vick’s products.

Who Is Four Percent For?

As Vick says in the introduction video and also in the webinar, the Four Percent is great for newbies and also it is a great platform for entrepreneurs who would like to take their business at the next level.

Whoever starts with zero and wants to become a successful entrepreneur, the Four percent is perfect for him, because he teaches you the most important thing and that is a proper mindset or awareness.

He says that the entire platform is like a family, so each member of the community can ask questions share ideas, advice, and so on.

I must say though, that to get as much as possible out of this training on must to “invest” more than $1,000.

What is inside the Four Percent?

As mentioned in the product overview, his core training is called Four Percent Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing. He uses a metaphor that he gives you a success pill. Of course, it is not a real pill, but training that is spread out over 30 days.

Four Percent Challenge Review

You are promised that at the end of this 30-day challenge, you should be able to make $10K. He says that the only way not to make the $10,000 is, you just quit.
A pretty confident statement, I think he believes in what he says.

So let’s take a look at what is inside of this $10,000 challenge – that is Level 1.

Btw, there are 2 more levels, one is called the $100K Challenge and the 3rd one is the $1M Challenge.

Four Percent Challenge Review

Within the 1st Level, you have 30 “pills” as Vick likes to call them, or also sessions.
One session is for 1 day. For each day there are several videos you should go through.

Usually, they are quite long, more than 1 hour. If there are 5 or 6 videos, you should book at least 6 hours a day for that course.

Four Percent Challenge Review

The 2nd pill will be unlocked 24 hours later. This way it works for each pill. So there is no way you can finish this Level 1 before the 30th day. I mean if you have a regular job and family you will have a hard time finishing one session per day.

I believe it would be nice to have access to all of them since you might be already familiar with some stuff and have the possibility to focus on other areas.

The way it is done makes me think, that even if you have a 30 days money-back guarantee, Vick or whoever from his team might talk you into staying with the platform until you finish the 30th pill, which might be after the 30 days.
But this is just my guess.

What Support Does Four Percent have?

You can find 24/7/365 support on this platform. You can contact them by chat or just write an email. At each section or session, you have a comment area where you can raise your queries. Also what is good is the four percent Facebook group.

Four Percent Challenge Review

Four Percent is a closed group on Facebook. To get in, you need to provide your email address.

Four Percent Price Structure

There are about 16 products within the four percent platform. Some of them are free, and some of them are quite pricey.
Just to give you a quick overview:

Four Percent Challenge Review

Some of his stuff is for free, but some programs cost almost $2,000.

If you are interested in making money online, you can go through his programs and form your own opinion.

Just as a hint you can compare it with another platform that has a completely different approach and you can get started for free as well. No credit card is required.

Four Percent Pros & Cons

  • A good platform with lots of training and educational material
  • The community-based platform includes support
  • Some Programs are for free (see Price Structure)
  • You have to buy different courses (this is not a one-time fee platform)
  • Some Courses are too expensive (more than $1,000)
  • Focus mainly on promoting his products.

My Final Opinion of Four Percent

Is the Four percent challenge a scam?

No, it is not a scam.
Vick tries to deliver some value with his training videos.

Are they worth more than $1,000?
I don’t think so.

The only way you can get your “investment” back is to promote 4 percent programs to other people and earn the commission out of the sales.

He also talks a lot about personal development. That is not bad, but sometimes I have a feeling that he talks too much about it.

My recommendation would be to get Napoleon Hill’s book Think and Grow Rich and/or go to YouTube and watch Tony Robbins Person Power II.
Please note, that the link above is an affiliate link. That means if you click on them and purchase the product, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. (Affiliate Disclosure)]

Regarding personal development, you don’t need to buy any of Vick’s products, since he says nothing new.

One can end up spending thousands of dollars without being educated on how to become independent and build a sustainable online business.

The good thing is that you can join Vick’s platform for free. Go to test it at your own pace.

Talking about free access.
You have a chance to check out one different platform – as I have already mentioned.

I am curious what platform do you prefer?


Four Percent is an educational platform, where you should be learning about affiliate marketing and how to become more successful, whether you are a beginner or already an entrepreneur.

The good thing is that anybody can join and watch the first webinar and make his own opinion about that. Just note that the 1st webinar lasts 4 hours.

The entire platform looks fancy, but there is too much focus on promoting the products which are inside the platform and less focus on teaching the student about affiliate marketing in general.

Also considering the price of these products, this platform belongs to the high ticket programs. If you would buy all of them you end up spending way over $6,000!

If you consider joining the 4 percent, maybe you want to compare it with my favorite online educational platform which is Wealthy Affiliate.

As I already mentioned, you have a chance to compare them both without spending a dime.

If you are serious about building a sustainable business online, go check both and let me know what you think in the comment section below.

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