While I was checking Facebook, I stumbled upon this sponsored post, called Solo Build It.
Since I have been doing reviews of digital products since 2018, I was really curious about what is this product all about.
I take it as if you want to know whether it is a legit curse or a scammy one.
Good for you – I mean a lot of people still don’t do their own research which is a shame.
I am glad it is not your case and being one step above the majority means you are responsible and careful.
In the following Solo Build It Review I am going to do my best and explain:
- How it works
- Who is behind
- Can you make money with and how much
- The pros and Cons
By the end of this post, you should have a nice overview of it and you will be able to decide whether to invest your money into it or look somewhere else.
Let’s get started.
Please note, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Solo Build It.
This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain.
Any recommendations and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.
Solo Build It Review – Summary
Solo Build It, is a digital course teaching how you can build your own business online from scratch.
For a reasonable price, you are going to learn
- how to create a website
- how to drive free traffic
- and how to monetize the traffic.
Solo Build It has been around for more than 2 decades and the entire philosophy of the course is based on the experience of the founder.
Ken (as CEO and the founder) is a medical doctor but in the late 1990s learned how to become successful in the online world.
He loved to teach so decided to share his knowledge with his students.
His course has helped a ton of people who wanted either to start their own business or, convert their existing offline business to the online world.
What Is Solo Build It?

Solo Build It is an online marketing course teaching regular people how to leverage the internet and how to become successful in the biggest marketplace – the internet.
The strategy is simple:
- Learn how to take advantage of your expertise/hobby and apply it in the online world
- Build an audience that is interested in the same industry
- By providing value, monetize your audience
The concept is pretty simple but there is some technical stuff that needs to be mastered.
SBI (Solo Build It) has all the tools one needs to make it happen.
Once a student knows how to get free and consistent traffic, he or she can make money from additional sources of income.
The training is a combination of video and text, and it offers 24/7 support.
Some people complain about the support but that doesn’t happen too often.
Solo Build It – Website Info

When I do research on any product, I am always interested in the registration date, and how much traffic the website gets.
Let me explain;
If the website is new (registered only a few months ago) and yet they claim they have millions of customers… that raises a red flag.
Also when the traffic is not consistent and there is a sudden drop, it indicated that people are not happy with the product and tend to leave.
How about sitesell.com (the Solo Build It website)?
I have found nothing suspicious about the website/traffic.
In fact quite opposite:

The website was registered back in 1998.
This is the screenshot from 1999 (still a pretty simple design, right:) )

Use Webarchive.org to check any websites in the past.
OK, let’s get back to the present.
According to similar.com, the website gets at least 50K visitors per month, in the last few months.

It looks quite consistent to me, and we can even see, the countries where people visit the site from:

- Chile 48%
- USA 17%
- Germany 7%
- India 5%
- Pakistan 3%
Who Is Behind the Solo Build It? (SBI)
The founder is Ken Evoy. He is also CEO of the SiteSell.com
He is a medical doctor who practiced and also taught emergency medicine.
Despite the fact, that he loves to practice emergency medicine, he realized that this kind of occupation is tight with bureaucracy and often it resembles enslavement.

Ken started his first business decades ago, and it was toy design – still an offline business.
That gave him the opportunity to be a part-time doctor and offer quality over quantity.
In the mid-1990s he realizes the internet is a dense market, where everyone sits in front of a computer, so he wanted to sell his own product, – niche investing software.
It was very difficult to sell investing software for him as a doctor.
Two important questions were raised:
- Is it possible to create a website that would sell the product?
- Is it possible to attract the right audience?
Back in 1996, these were open questions.
Soon after he found out that the answers were Yes.
Ken also loves to teach, so as a result, the SBI (Solo Build It) was born.
And the course opens the door for anyone who would like to succeed in the online world.
It has been more than 2 decades and the training is still valid.
That must mean something, right?
What Does SBI teach?
Let me go through the Solo Build course, and I will explain what you can learn, here.
The very first thing is to choose your field of interest. Also called Your Niche.
You have some kind of expertise in that niche and here you are taught how to convert it into a website and eventually monetize your knowledge.
Or do you have already a business offline?
Make it online, SBI shows step-by-step how to do it.
The entire process is based on the following pillars:

- Content
- Traffic
- Presell
- Monetize
Content is the core of your business.
Each article on your website is based on a specific keyword (phrase) that people type into the search engine bar.
The question is, how to pick the right keyword, I know that people do search for such a term.
For this purpose, you have a tool, called Brainstormer:

Which such a tool you see the exact figures, and based on that you decide which keyword (phrase) would be ideal.
In other words, by using the keyword tool, you will pick the keyword, that both have a high search volume and is easy to rank.
That means, that not many websites in your niche use that specific keyword.
That way your website will start to attract your audience = and traffic. And traffic is potential revenue.
Domain Name
Register your domain name.
Pick a name that you like and it’s available.
To check the availability, you have a tool inside the SBI.

There are also plenty of services out there where you can check the availability of a certain domain name and if taken, pick the one that is similar, or that you prefer.
Despite the domain name, it is extremely important to have proper hosting, that is safe, fast, and reliable.
SBI offers its own hosting that has these requirements.
That is a big advantage since not many platforms offer their own hosting. service
SBI hosting includes
- automatic renewal of the domain name
- unlimited email
- other features
Create Website
Inside the platform, you find built-in tools, that help you to create a good-looking and clean website.
It has its own site builder, which makes it easy to create such a website.

No HTML knowledge is needed.
Just drag and drop. And write content.
Similarly, like you, would create a PPT presentation (Word), or Google Slides.
Once your content is ready SBI tool will then take care of the indexing, so your site/post is found by Google and eventually can rank on the 1st page, ideally 1st position.

OK, it is not always that straightforward and you have to create dozens of articles to rank well.
The thing with Google and SEO is, that sometimes your great article might not rank as well as an article that you feel is not so thorough.
SEO is basically educated guesswork, based on experience. That’s why you need:
- experience – write a lot of content
- analyze your work – using for example Google Search Console
SEO – Internal Link
Another important ingredient within the SEO world;
Google and other search engines have to understand your website and its structure.
Therefore you learned how to properly link your articles within your website, so it makes sense.
Since you are still new to this business, or your website is new, you need to engage with your audience and potential customers.
Ask people for comments, and make sure to leave feedback.
You are not a brand yet.
At this stage don’t try to sell them all that stuff that is at your disposal.
Pre-sell them, first.
Provide them with value, information tips, and tricks.
That includes building your own email list.
As a rule of thumb, by building an email list you want to:
- write at least 6-10 informative emails without selling anything – you are building trust with your audience.
SBI has also its own email manager, so you can use this tool to automate messages (that you pre-write).
You are aware that one needs to have traffic in order to make consistent income online.
It sure does apply to any business – without a potential audience, there is no revenue.
With consistent traffic to your website, you can diversify the revenue.
Instead of selling your own products (physical or digital), you can add other ways to monetize the traffic by:
- Displaying ads
- Affiliate marketing
Showing ads is clear I believe. These are the “annoying” ads whenever you browse a certain website or watch youtube videos.

These in fact are quite a good resource of income for the owner of the website.
How about Affiliate Marketing?
What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate Marketing is a business model where you as the affiliate marketer, sell other’s people products and services.

Your task is to create content within a specific niche and drive your audience to the website of other companies’ people that actually sell stuff.
When they purchase the stuff, you get a commission.
This is a very simple business model because you don’t have to deal with customers, or suppliers (manufacturers).
The drawback is that you have to keep coming up with the content on a (rather) regular basis.
The good news is that you can choose your niche according to your expertise and/or interest.
OK quite frankly, you don’t need to prove any Master’s degree in a certain niche.
If you have some sort of experience (that others don’t) you can be considered an “expert”.
(If you don’t like the word “expert”, look at it from this angle:
– you can still come up with unique content that others can’t).
You don’t like writing?
How about videos?
Create a youtube channel and make 40 or 50 videos and you should see some traction.
But even that it is recommended to have a website. A website where you can drive your viewers.
And since I mention the website, many people think that it is difficult to write unique content about a certain thing.
The point is though, that you don’t need to have a degree in the English language, (or any other language).
Your blog is a medium for communication. Like an email, you write to a friend of yours.
The content you write on your blog is merely honest communication between you and your audience.
That’s it.
Now just keep the text nice and readable and you are good to go – your SEO is almost ready.
Interested in Affiliate Marketing?
So this is briefly what you find inside the Solo Build It Course.
Who Is Solo Build It For?

For people that want to have a second stream of income. Ideally for people looking for ways how to monetize their passion.
And at the same time, they don’t have technical skills. So a mentor is needed.

Ideally, if you have some passion already or a hobby – that’s a great thing to have in order to monetize it.
You have no idea how many people would love to learn what you already know. And many of them would willing to pay.
So if you are a person that is looking for a 2nd stream of income, or just wants to have fun and provides others with some cool tips and trick within your niche, this is a great platform for you.
How Much Does Solo Build It Cost?

Solo Build It is a great course for an affordable price.
Many courses cost $1,000+ and they don’t offer such a value.
It is good to see that there are still valuable platforms for a reasonable price.
The monthly membership costs $35.
If paid yearly you pay $330 per year and can see almost $100.
Solo Build It Login

After the purchase of the course, you can log in.
Unfortunately, they don’t offer a free trial (as Wealthy Affiliate does).
Solo Build It Reviews – What do other people think of it?

It is always recommended to check what others think.
Here at Trustpilot, more than a dozen people leaving ratings of the SBI.
Some of them are positive others not so much.
Let’s take a look at both sides and here are one of many positives ones:

On the other hand, it is more “exciting” to read the negative ones, to find out what exactly was wrong:

Obviously, that specific person was not satisfied with the support.
That could be a coincidence or something that is really serious.
Because let’s be fair.
When it comes to the learning process, 24/7 support is necessary.
The good news is that SBI always responds to such reviews

Despite all the negative ones I still am convinced that SBI offers good training that brings value to the people.
How do you know it is not for you?
Sure, not every course is perfect, and here are some points, you want to consider:
- Do you search for get-rich-quick opportunities?
- You are not willing to work at least a few hours per day
- Do you suffer from shining object syndrome?
If your answers are :
- Yes
- No
- Yes
I am afraid this is not going to help you. In fact, none of the training, guidance, or platforms will be able to help you.
But I am sure you have gone through some challenges and you do realize that every business requires effort and time.
Solo Build It – Conclusion
Solo Build It is a legitimate online course, probably one of the oldest ones (of its kind).
The fact that there is still consistent traffic to the website proves its legitimacy and value.
Even though it might look outdated, the principles are still the same and the student learns how to:
- Create a website
- Attract a specific audience, that is traffic
- and eventually how to monetize the traffic (possibly to use an additional source of monetization)
I personally have seen a lot of digital courses, from scammy ones to high tickets for several thousand dollars, but Solo Build is decent training for a good price.
They offer a money-back guarantee which is cool.
Unfortunately, they don’t offer a free trial (as my favorite online training), but with such a money-back guarantee there is no risk on your side.
Have you tried already a digital course?
If yes, which one?
Please let me know in the comment section below.
Also in case you have questions and want to know more about how to start an online business, feel free to ask.
I will be more than happy to help you
Thank You For Reading,