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Echo Review. 1 Click and Make $1,000 a Day?

Hello, and welcome to my site.

I have been doing digital product reviews since 2018, and this time I decided to share my opinion about the new product called Echo Commissions.

In the following Echo review, you are about to find out how this product works, who is behind, and most importantly, whether it is possible to make money with it or not.

I will do my best to keep this review brief.

First of all, you may have already seen the sales video, and the claims about making more than $1,000 a day.
Whenever you spot such a claim, be very skeptical.
There is not such a thing as push-button software that generates money on autopilot.

By the end of this review, we are about to find out that Echo is just another money-making system that has no value to the potential customer.
You guess it right;
It is just a money-making system for the creator…

Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate of the Echo Commissions. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain.
Any recommendations and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

Quick Overview

Name: Echo (or Echo Commissions) – a WarriorPlus Product, launched in September 2021
Website: www.echocommissions.convertri.com/live
Price to Join:
$17 + Upsells
Recommended: No!

Echo Summary

An Echo is software that allows you to take existing Youtube videos, put them on your own page, and monetize the traffic.

There are several issues with the Echo software.

First of all, you are not allowed to use other people’s videos and make them your own.

Second, the offer you are going to put into the video (on your page) will not be seen by anyone. And that means no revenue, whatsoever.

The page can be only shared via social media.

The odds that someone from your followers clicks on the video and thus the offer and actually purchases the product are slim to zero.

This entire software is presented as a push-button system that generates sales on a daily basis.

It is not true.

To make consistent income online one must master at least some basic SEO skills. Meaning to learn how to create a website that ranks well in google and other search Engines.

Once this is mastered, the sky is the limit when it comes to earning potential.

Here is a link to the platform where one can learn basic SEO skills and beyond.

Sign up for Free and I will guide you through the platform.
No Credit Card Needed – Just your email.

What is Echo?

Echo Review

An Echo is a software that allows you to search the most popular videos on Youtube, and steer the traffic from there to your page.

Your page can be created within the Echo dashboard area.

The idea is that everyone who watches that video will be able to see your page as well. Below the video, in the description area, you will put affiliate links.
So when someone clicks on it and purchases the product (you offer), you get a commission.

Now, this is in theory how it should work.

There are several problems with this method and in the following sections, we are going to explain why.

So the claims about how easy it is to make money with Echo, are very misleading.

Founder of Echo

The founder of Echo is a guy called, Shawn Josiah.

There is not a lot of information about Shawn.
According to his FB page, he was born in 1992.

Echo Review

He is also the creator of Perpetual Income 365.

Other research shows he is a successful affiliate marketer, making 7 figures.

Well, it might be true.
By selling his products and creating new ones teaching how to promote other of his products.

Is there something wrong with this strategy?

Well, I do believe so.

First of all, there is no real value to the end customer, meaning you.
You won’t be able to make any money using his products. Only if you become an affiliate and promote his product so other people will purchase them.

But it is a vicious cycle.

Even if you decide to promote his product, you still need to learn how to get free traffic, how to set up a campaign, basic SEO skills… and so on.

Besides, based on the WarriorPlus site, his ranking is below average.

Echo Review

Now, I am not saying that Shawn is a scammer.
He is a professional product creator, and he keeps coming up with new products, every month. Maybe even more often.
Most of his courses “teach” the same stuff over and over again.


So he can get more potential customers… because people who tried his product already know that his method doesn’t work.

Who is it for?

This is for people with no experience with affiliate marketing.

Those who already invested some energy, know that his thing just can’t work.

So, if you are a newbie, please take one step back and think about the whole sales page and the following claims:

  • Drive unlimited free viral traffic?
  • No content creation?
  • 100% legal and Ethical?
  • No Additional costs..?

I have just picked some of them.

Let’s start with the last one:
We are going to find out that there are at least 5 upsells (or upgrades), that cost several hundreds of dollars.

What is 100% ethical on the fact you actually steal others people’s content from Youtube?

No Content creation?
Right, because you use other people’s content.

Unlimited free viral traffic? This is B.S.

True is, that there is not such a thing.
In order to make money online, it is necessary to put some effort into it. And it takes time.

How about the successful Youtubers? Did they get free traffic?

No, they had to create at least 50 videos to get traction.
(Sure there are some exceptions, but these people are either lucky or put some effort in the past).

How Does it Work?

As we already mentioned, you are going to use other videos from youtube. Down here is a screenshot of the Echo dashboard, where you actually create your campaign.

Echo Review

You type your keywords, select specific videos on Youtube, and select a few products.

What kind of products, you may be asking?

Mostly Clickbank products, from the make money online niche.
These products are usually misleading as well, so the chances that someone would buy them are low (assuming that someone will spot the offer…)

To be specific, one of the products you are recommended to promote is Perpetual Income 365.

Now the $1,000 dollar question is:
Who is the creator of Perpetual Income 365?

That’s right – the very same guy that came up with this Echo thing, Shawn Josiah.

Without going into details here are the main issues with the Echo Commission:

  • Video is not yours. You can share the video, embed the video on your page, but you shouldn’t be using it as a traffic source for your monetization.
  • Page you create within the Echo Dashboar wotn’t be vissible to anyone.
  • The only way how you can get some clicks, is to share this very page on Social Media. Assuming you have tons of folloers.

Well, here is what the page you created looks like:

Echo Review

This won’t be visible in Search Engines, and therefore no one will click on the offers.

But he said that we leverage the viral videos, right?

Well, right.

But, think about it.

Even though we take a video with millions of views. .. no one will see it on the Echo page.
The video probably gets thousands of views per day on Youtube. But only on Youtube.
There is no link pointing from YouTube to your new Echo page.

In other words, people watching the actual (original) video don’t see your affiliate links.
Your affiliate links are only on the page you created, within the Echo Dashboard.

Red Flags

Let me share a few red flags I have found, during my research.

  • Fake testimonials

It is quite common that Warriorplus products use fake testimonials on their sale page.
It was the case with Perpetual Income 365 as well.

The only difference is that whereas they used to hire actors from Fiverr, these days, they use either stock photos or AI photos.

Here is a guy called Tobias Gordon.

Echo Review

Let’s google that image and we see that the same image is all over the internet.

Echo Review

That is not cool.

Let’s go over other red flags, just briefly:

  • Echo suggests to steal other people youtube
  • Unrealistic incoe claims
  • Promoting Perpertual365 – another scammy software
  • Privacy policy T&C pages don’t work

Did you check the Terms and Conditions page?

Echo Review

None of them works, and you get the blank page:

Echo Review

Oh – and so Support, whatsoever.

What is the Price?

Echo Review

Again as with many Warriorplus products, the front-end price is really affordable.

For the $17, it seems like it is worth trying.

Don’t get fooled though.
Right after checking out, you are asked to upgrade to get more “stuff”. And there will be at least 4 more offers.
It takes a bit of effort to skip the offers and get to the actual product.

According to the creators, this is how “internet marketing works”
Well, I doubt it very seriously.

This is a sneaky way how to charge more people and really don’t care about them.

So Let’s go through the upgrades, and see what they have to claim about them…

OTO 1: Unlimited Campaigns ($47/$37)

OTO 2: DFY Campaigns  ($297/$197)

OTO 3:  High Ticket Maximizer ($97/$47)

OTO 4: Traffic Booster ($167/$67)

OTO 5 – Reseller License ($297/$97)

OTO 6: Passive Income Masterclass ($47/$27)

OTO 7: Multiple Streams of Income Masterclass ($47/$27)

What I like about Echo

  •  30 Day Money Back Guarantee

What I don’t like

  •  Unrealistic Income Claims
  • The intention is to steal other people videos from youtube
  • The offer on the page you create won’t be visible to anyone
  • Too many upsells (just another making-money system from WarriorPlus)

Some Thoughts at the End

Please stay away from products promising you to make easy money.

These are all scams.

Does it mean that there is no way how a newbie can start making consistent income online?
No, not at all.

It is perfectly possible for anyone, to make a consistent income. With proper knowledge, a bit of effort, it is possible to start making more than $1,000 a month within a year.

Does it take that long?
Is it really that long?

Imagine where were you a year ago.
And where do you want to be in a year?

Do you want to have a 2nd stream of income?
Or maybe quit your job and be a full-time internet marketer.

Well, it is possible and there are many people doing it.

A few courses online taches what works and at the end, there is a link to a specific platform where I have learned all the above.

Do you have questions concerning the Echo?
Or do you want to find out more about the evergreen process of how to generate consistent income?

Use the comment section below. I will be happy to provide you with feedback.

Thank you for reading

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing Business?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to generate a consistent income in the long run. 

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