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Cash Monster Review

Hey there, welcome to the  Cash Monster Review.

To be clear about the purpose of this review.
We are going to check the website cashmonster.co which is supposed to be the #1 Affiliate network.

So are you wondering whether this is legit or not? You have notice their promises about the earning potential, right?
Does it sound too good to be true?

We are going to go through the entire site to show you

  • how it works
  • who is behind it and
  • how much can you make with this system

Right off the bat, I can tell you that this is not a system you can trust to.
Therefore I have decided to offer you better alternatives, and eventually, I am gonna mention what is the best way to start making money online.

But let’s check Cash Monster, first. 

Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate for Cash Monster. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any recommendation and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

Cash Monster Overview

Product Name: Cash Monster
Website: www.cashmonster.co
Price to Join: $0
Creator: N/A
Rating: 0/10
Do I recommend it? No! This is a Scam!

Cash Monster Summary

Cash Monster is a website that is supposed to be a legit GPT site (Get to Paid). Meaning you should earn few bucks by completing simple tasks.
Right at the beginning, they promise you a signup bonus which is $25, and apparently, you can earn $10 for the task.

If you have some experience with GPT sites, you know that these earning claims are exaggerated and no legit site pays that much.

On top of it, there are a lot of Red Flags regarding the Cash Monster.

The bottom line is that this is just a data harvesting scam.
That means that once you sign up, they collect the email address and in the best-case scenario, they sell it to the 3rd party, to other companies.
These companies pay quite well for the email address, so they can spam the inboxes.

My advice: Stay away from the Cash Monster and Do Not Sign Up (using your regular email address).

Making Money Online requires something more than just posting a referral (or affiliate) link.
Among all GPT sites that I have reviewed so far, my personal favorite one is called SquadeHelp, where one can make money by typing letters for companies.

Check this link to find you more.

Cash Monster Review

Cash Monster.co is a website where you supposedly can make some money by completing small tasks or referring other people to join this system.

Cash Monster Review

Don’t get me wrong, this is actually a legit way how some survey sites pay their members for doing those tasks.
The problem is that they don’t pay a lot and ideally one can earn probably $1 to $2 per hour.

Now regarding the Cash Monster – this is not a new site.
It is just a clone of other scams that have been around since 2019.

None of these sites pay out.
They all only collect the data and after a while, they disappear.

Who Is Behind

Generally speaking, you always want to check who is behind the website, or who runs the company.
Is Earn2Flex Legit?

In case you can’t find a person, or the name of the company, it is almost certain that you are dealing with scams.
Especially when they promise you to make money.

I don’t know whether you had a chance to check who is behind the Cash Monster, but if you have not found any solid information, stop searching.

They don’t reveal such a information (typical behaviors of scammers).

It is not easy to track the real person (or company) who created this scammy site.
We can only check some facts and that bring us to the first red flag:

They say they have been around since 2010.

Cash Monster Review

Well, it is simply not true.
This site was registered only at the end of 2020, and here is the proof:

Cash Monster Review

This is a huge red flag. They literally lie about their history.

Let me digress a bit:
If you want to know how to check the age of any website, watch the short video below.

(This specific video shows how to check the date, of another scam called inboxdollar.co. The website is not available)
The Inboxdollar.co is redirected to another scam, called RewardDollars.

As I already mentioned there are many scams just like the Cash Monster.
Check this link to see the other reviews of very other clones of the same scam.

Who is it For?

I don’t recommend Cash Monster to anyone.

Do Not sign up to their system.
As already mentioned it is a data harvesting scam.

But since you are here I believe you would like to know what GPT sites are legit.

Here are few sites that I can recommend:


or even www.surveyjunkie.com
This is not available in the EU (the site is not accessible).

Here is a review of InboxDollars.com, in case you want to know what is all about.

Unfortunately, these sites do not pay a lot.
The earning potential is probably $100 per month and you would have to spend at least 5 hours per day on their site.

There is one site, that offers much better earning and it is called the SquadHelp.
Here it is possible to make $300, just by typing letters.
I know that this also sounds too good to be true, but check the review of this system to learn more.

Back to the Cash Monster.

How Does the Cash Monster Work?

According to the official website, it takes only 3 steps.

  1. First of all, you should sign up. You are also promised to get $25 as a bonus.
  2. Start inviting your friends to Cash Monster and earn $10 for every friend you invite.
  3. Get Paid.

Cash Monster Review

Let’s check these steps and let’s start with 1st one, to sign up.

As you see they ask for your name, email addres, and password. 

Cash Monster Review

I have already warned you not to do it, but if you insist, please make sure to use a fake email, so your inbox won’t be spammed.

You have to accept their Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. 
I understand that  the majority of people don’t check the Terms and Conditions page, and I admit, it is really boring.
But there are some interesting points that I want to share with you.

  • 1. You are not allowed to use this system if you are younger than 99 years old

Cash Monster Review

  • 2. Check the date, where this site was supposedly updated.

Cash Monster Review

Isn’t it funny?
Whoever is behind this site, has done a sloppy job.

There are so many errors, including the wrong address.
I mean, on their page, the HQ is in New York, and on the Privacy Policy page, it is Amsterdam, Netherland in Europe.

Here is How It Really Works

After signing up you really see that the earning shows $25 in the dashboard.
That is just an illusion. The earning isn’t real.

Here is how it works in reality:

    • First, you decide to withdraw the money
    • Despite the claim that you get your earnings instantly, your request is set on hold, for some reason.
    • After a while, you get a message that you have used fake referrals or you have used VPN and therefore your balance becomes $0, and finally, the account is closed

This is how all these scams work.

I believe it does not make sense to go through the Dashboard.
Just briefly, here is how it looks like.

Cash Monster Review

You have probably notice that is exactly the same as the rest of the scams.
Sure they change color and fonts, but one can tell all of the sites have the same patterns.

List of the Red Flags

Here is a list of the Cash Monster red flags.

1) Age of the system

Cash Monster has been around for only a few months (as of this writing).
They want to make the impression that this is a successful and well-established program and has been here since 2010.

That is complete nonsense.

2) Fake Payment Proofs

We know that the Cash Monster was registered only in December 2020.

How about these “payment proofs” posted on their website?

Cash Monster Review

And one from January 2020:

Cash Monster Review

This is proof that the entire system is fake and a scam.

3) No One Gets Paid

This is common amongst all these scams.

We have covered how it really works and that no one gets paid.

4) Fake Testimonials

Apparently, Sara has been working with Cash Monster since February 2020.

Cash Monster Review

I am wondering how did she do that since Cash Monster was registered 10 months later.

How about this specific testimonial?
Cash Monster Review

First of all the name is made up and the image is a stock photo.

Cash Monster Review

It is all over the internet and the same applies to the other “testimonials”.
Apparently, this guy made more than $58,000.

Cash Monster Review

Prett good, considering that the Cash Monster has been for less than 4 months, as of this writing.

But is this even a real person?
No, it is the stock image that has been used on the Entrepreneur website as well.

Cash Monster

And here is the stock image at the Pixabay site. 

5) Fake Address, Fake Tel. Number

Have you seen the address?
This is not a valid address and the telephone number?

Cash Monster Review

It is not even a proper New York area code.

There are many other red flags, but I believe it is enough to convince anyone that Cash Monster is an outright scam.

What I like

  • Absolutely nothing
    My Advice: Stay Away from Cash Monster

What I don’t like

  • Fake Testimonials
  • Fake Contact information
  • Fake Payment proofs – fake screenshots
  • Fake Address (Actually is it New York, USA, or Amsterdam Netherland?)

Where to Go From Here?

Above there is a list of a few GPT sites that are legit and their members make money.
Unfortunately, it is only a few bucks and this is not the proper way how to make consistent income online.

Besides, going through such surveys takes time and in many cases they are annoying (asking a lot of personal information, too many ads…).

In order to start generating consistent income online, one must have certain skills. RewardDollars Review

For example how to build a website that ranks well on google.
This is not rocket science and anyone can learn that.

Of course, it takes a bit of time, but a few months ago I have shown my girlfriend some tips and her site is on an average position number 9.
(Meaning that most of the posts on their site are at the 1st page of google).

She did not have any prior experience with WordPress or blogging, none of that.

Once you know how to “get” your site on the 1st page of Google, you can start promoting anything.
I mean you don’t have to promote your own products.

Not at all.
Just create content regarding a specific niche and recommend the product and services that are within your niche, to your audience.


Depending on the niche you can start generating revenue anywhere from 8 to 14 months.

Do you think it takes too long?

Well how about other businesses, online or offline?

Do you know how many days it took Airbnb to become so “famous”?
It is said that it wasn’t overnight.

It was 1,000 nights. That is more than 2.5 years.

What to do?
In my opinion, the best and faster way is to invest your time in education and learn new skills.

Is Wealthy Affiliate a Scam? Or Is It a Legitimate Platform?

I have joined this particular platform, and I have learned how to make money online.
I have been doing this since Autumn 2019 full time, earning 4 figures.

And still warming up – I am a bit slow learner, I admit.
But it works for me.

Is Cash Monster Legit?

Cash Monster is not a legit website.

It is a data harvesting scam.

There are dozens of these scams and it is not easy to find out who is really behind them.

The bottom line is, you don’t want to reveal your email address so do not join (using your email) the Cash Monster.

I understand that it might be tempting to make a few hundred bucks for a little to no work, but it never works that way.
At the bottom of this post, there is a link where I briefly explain what it takes to make money online and what to do.

Feel free to review that post and you can even test the educational platform.
It is available for free, for 7 days.

Should you have more questions about the Cash Monster, or other scams, let me know in the comment section below.
I will do my best to provide you with feedback within 24 hours.

Again, Stay away from the Cash Monster!

Thanks a lot for reading

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without a prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to generate a consistent income in the long run. 

Get Started For FREE

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