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Affiliate Beast Review

Have you explored the realm of affiliate marketing as a lucrative avenue for online earnings?

Numerous courses claim to provide insights into affiliate marketing, but discerning the ones that truly deliver value can be challenging. This review centers around one such program – Affiliate Beast.

In the subsequent Affiliate Beast review, I will guide you through the intricacies of this product, unveiling its functionalities, pricing details, and more.

Let’s dive in.

By the end of this Affiliate Beast Review, you’ll have a clear understanding of whether it’s a worthwhile investment.

Please note, that I am not a member or an affiliate of Affiliate Beast.

This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain.
Any recommendations and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

Affiliate Beast Summary

Name: Affiliate Beast
Website: www.affiliate-beast.teachable.com
Price to Join:
$596.40 to $1,556.40
Recommended: It Depends

Affiliate Beast is an online course designed to impart knowledge on earning through Affiliate Marketing, with a primary focus on digital ClickBank products.

The promotion is carried out through Solo Ads and ClickFunnels.

While the course conceptually has merit, there are noteworthy drawbacks that deserve attention.

Firstly, the program comes with a considerable price tag, compounded by additional expenses related to Solo Ads.

The course asserts that you can generate commissions without a website, but this approach is becoming less effective in today’s landscape.

Successful affiliate marketing typically involves establishing a web presence, whether through a website or a YouTube channel and mastering the art of driving free (organic) traffic.

Essential skills such as Keyword Research, SEO, and niche selection are crucial components that Affiliate Beast seems to overlook.

Fortunately, acquiring these skills is not as daunting as it may seem.

There are comprehensive platforms that teach these evergreen methods.

For those interested in delving into this foundational knowledge, a platform just two clicks away offers detailed insights:

Once these skills are honed, the potential to promote a diverse range of products opens up.

Moreover, alternative avenues for generating income are explored in-depth on the recommended platform.

What is Affiliate Beast?

Affiliate Beast Review

Affiliate Beast is an online course dedicated to instructing individuals on how to generate income through affiliate marketing.

This method stands out as one of the most effective ways to make money online, bypassing the hassles of managing products, clients, and suppliers, and offering the flexibility to operate from any location.

In essence, an affiliate marketer acts as a bridge between potential customers and the actual product or service, earning commissions upon successful transactions.

The earning potential in affiliate marketing varies based on factors such as traffic and experience, ranging from a few bucks to six or even seven-digit figures annually.

Given the lucrative nature of affiliate marketing, numerous courses have emerged in this domain.

Affiliate Beast, specifically, focuses on the promotion of products from the ClickBank marketplace.

However, it’s important to note that there can be challenges in promoting ClickBank products, particularly digital ones.

While ClickBank is a legitimate platform, many products, especially in the E-Business category, can be misleading or of low quality, sometimes even bordering on scams.

As highlighted in a previous article about ClickBank, promoting such products may not be the most sensible choice. Many of them offer a money-back guarantee, typically lasting at least 30 days. This means that if a customer is dissatisfied with the product, they can request a refund, resulting in the affiliate earning no commission.

Affiliate Beast primarily focuses on guiding users through creating a ClickBank account, overlooking the inclusion of other affiliate programs. It’s worth noting that there are hundreds of alternative programs available for anyone looking to diversify their affiliate marketing portfolio.

Who Is The Founder of Affiliate Beast?

Affiliate Beast Review

When evaluating online courses, it’s essential to identify the creator or founder for credibility. The absence of transparent information about the individuals behind a website or company raises concerns about potential scams.

Affiliate Beast is the brainchild of Deshayla Flowers, a marketer based in Oklahoma City, OK. Information about her background and origin can be found on her Facebook profile.

Deshayla has served as the CEO of Golden Child Marketing since May 2016, according to her LinkedIn profile.

With over 5 years of experience in Internet marketing, she has successfully generated thousands of leads through both free and paid sources.

As of the latest update, Deshayla’s YouTube channel, named CEO Deshayla, was established in 2013 and now features 241 videos.

Impressively, the channel has garnered over 100,000 subscribers, highlighting its continued growth.

The key takeaway remains that Deshayla Flowers is a genuine individual, contributing to the authenticity of the Affiliate Beast program.

Who Is The Affiliate Beast For?

Affiliate Beast is tailored for individuals seeking to acquire the skills necessary to generate income online, potentially transitioning to a full-time endeavor.

However, a critical question arises:
Can this program genuinely lead to financial independence?

Deshayla Flowers, the course instructor, focuses on teaching the promotion of ClickBank products through the use of Solo Ads.

It’s essential to note that this approach may not be the most effective way to showcase products or services.

Solo Ads, akin to paid advertising, can incur significant costs, often amounting to several hundred dollars, with no guaranteed results.

Generally speaking, relying on paid advertising is not advisable for beginners.

The reasons for this caution include the need for an existing budget, preferably earned from organic traffic, and the necessity to promote something already validated by organic traffic.

For those serious about establishing a sustainable online business, the long-term strategy involves learning how to drive organic traffic.

This encompasses various avenues, such as YouTube or a simple website (which is easily achievable in the current online landscape).

How Does Affiliate Beast Work?

For those investing in Affiliate Beast, the focus is on promoting digital products from ClickBank (CB).

Deshayla Flowers guides participants through the process of setting up a ClickBank account, selecting specific products, and learning the art of effective promotion.

The subsequent step involves creating landing pages, a task streamlined through the use of ClickFunnels.

It’s crucial to note that this convenience comes with additional costs, as ClickFunnels memberships start at $97 per month.

Thus, in addition to the course fee, participants must budget for this essential tool.

Affiliate Beast Review

But the expenses don’t end there. To make the strategy effective, one needs traffic—individuals who discover the offer and click on it.

Deshayla illustrates the process of acquiring traffic by advocating the purchase of solo ads from Udemy.

Specifically, this involves selecting a vendor and negotiating for a specified number of emails.

Prices for solo ads can vary, ranging from a few dollars to as high as $120 for 10 to 350 email addresses, depending on the vendor.

Let’s Break Down the Solo Ads Math

Let’s engage in some simple math regarding the utilization of Solo Ads.

Hypothetically, if your offer reaches 350 individuals in their inbox, what are the chances that someone will click on it?

Even with an optimistic click-through rate of 10%, that would amount to 35 people (please note, this is an optimistic assumption).

Now, how many of these individuals are likely to make a purchase and retain the product for more than 30 days?

A 10% conversion rate would be considered great, translating to 3 to 4 individuals.

Considering that products on ClickBank typically offer commissions ranging from $20 to $60, let’s take an average commission of $40.

With 3 to 4 conversions, you would earn approximately $120.

However, it’s essential to consider the expenditure. Typically, the cost of acquiring 350 email addresses through solo ads is comparable to the potential earnings, making this approach less lucrative.

This underscores the importance of learning how to generate organic traffic for free.

Once proficient in this skill, leveraging the most effective products/offers through paid ads becomes a more strategic and potentially profitable endeavor.

What Is Inside Of The Affiliate Beast?

Affiliate Beast Review

Module 1

The first module consists of an Introduction video and generally how affiliate marketing works.

Where to find the product, what is the landing page and autoresponder?

Now in my opinion these are quite complex topics, but the entire first module lasts about 20 minutes.

How much knowledge can one get in 20 minutes?

Module 2

The second one is about how to set up clickfunnel and landing pages and how to add email follow to your email autoresponder.

The total length: is about 25 minutes.

This is again too short.

Module 3

This is about setting up your Youtube channel.

How you can create your logo, and how to verify your Youtube channel. I

I believe that this kind of information can be found available for free.

Module 4

The last module is again about Youtube and it concerns:

  • How to make videos without showing your face
  • How to get views
  • How to find products to do reviews on
  • How to get approved to promote products

Module 4 is approximately 80 minutes long.

There is one more section within the training and it is about Paid Traffic Sources.

In this section, you find 7 videos (from 2 minutes to 14 minutes long) where you are shown how to set up a Facebook fan page, install the Facebook pixel, and how to find the target audience, etc.

Again, I believe most of his information can be found for free, but I also understand that many people like to have it as one package, under one roof so to speak.

Here comes the interesting part, the price.

How Much Does The Affiliate Beast Cost?

Affiliate Beast Review

Affiliate Beast comes with two pricing options:

  • $596.40 for the standard package and
  • $1,556.40 for those opting for One-on-One Coaching.

However, some may find these prices steep given the nature of the training provided.

Notably, there are additional costs to consider, such as the monthly expense of ClickFunnels (approximately $100) and Solo Ads.

The question arises: Is it truly necessary to invest such a substantial amount?

The good news is that there’s an alternative.

For those seeking a more cost-effective option, there’s a platform available for $50 per month.

This alternative provides comprehensive training in affiliate marketing without the need for additional expenses.

Moreover, you can test it out for free, with the initial 10 lessons available without charge—all you need is an email to get started.

By joining this platform, you gain access to step-by-step training, focusing on acquiring free traffic and, crucially, how to monetize that traffic.

Additionally, the platform offers hundreds of hours of webinars covering various aspects of affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Beast Red Flags

While considering Affiliate Beast, several factors raise questions and may be considered red flags.

Lack of a Personal Course Website

It’s peculiar that Deshayla Flowers doesn’t have her own website dedicated to offering the course.

Typically, those involved in affiliate marketing, especially as educators, would have a website as a central hub.

Building a website, even a one-page site, is a fundamental step in affiliate marketing today.

Limited Social Media Presence

Given her purported success as an internet marketer, one might expect Deshayla to have a substantial following on social media platforms.

However, this is not the case.

While not a definitive red flag, it raises questions about her online presence and influence, especially after being in the business for five years.

Short Duration of Training (Doesn’t Justify the Price)

Affiliate Beast’s training appears brief and does not seem to delve deep into the complexities of affiliate marketing.

Spending only a few minutes on each topic may not justify the course’s relatively high price.

In contrast, other platforms offer extensive, well-organized, and evergreen training, emphasizing the importance of acquiring organic traffic.

Promotion of Low-Quality ClickBank Products

Promoting low-quality ClickBank products, as exemplified by the use of 12 Minute Affiliate in her videos, can be a concern.

Building a sustainable online business involves establishing trust with your audience.

The 12 Minute Affiliate, in the view of some, may be perceived as misleading or even scammy, potentially compromising the integrity of the affiliate marketing approach taught in the course.

What Do I Like About Affiliate Beast?

Pros - Plus
  • Clear Insights into ClickBank Profitability: Affiliate Beast provides valuable insights into making money with ClickBank, offering practical knowledge on leveraging the platform for affiliate marketing.
  • Facebook Ads and YouTube Channel Guidance: The course includes valuable information on Facebook Ads and demonstrates the setup process for a YouTube channel. These sections contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of affiliate marketing strategies.

What I Don’t Like About Affiliate Beast

  • High Cost Relative to Available Free Information: One notable drawback is the relatively high cost of the course, especially when considering that much of the information presented is available for free online. The expense may be perceived as excessive in comparison to the readily accessible resources.
  • Insufficient Depth Due to Short Video Duration: Another drawback is the brevity of the training videos. The content appears condensed, limiting the depth of coverage on each topic. Adequate time and depth are crucial for learners to grasp complex concepts fully.


While Deshayla Flowers may possess knowledge in the field, offering courses with a price tag exceeding a thousand dollars after being in the online business for just five years raises concerns.

It suggests the possibility that she may be teaching with limited practical experience, possibly only a step or two ahead of her clients.

In contrast, individuals who have achieved significant success typically wait until they’ve established a solid track record before offering courses.

A notable example is someone who started a YouTube channel over five years ago, reaching a monthly income of $50,000 before sharing their expertise.

Examining Deshayla’s YouTube profile under the channel CEO Deshayla, the revenue generated from advertising stands at around $500 per month.

This may not align with the level of success one might expect from a course instructor.

In essence, I do not personally recommend purchasing her course.

When it comes to content creation, particularly in building a website, I suggest exploring the method I’ve been using. In my opinion, it represents the best educational platform for affiliate marketing today.

If you have any questions about Affiliate Beast or if you’re interested in affiliate marketing, feel free to use the comment section below.

Thank you for reading,

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