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Real Money Streams Review

Have you stumbled upon the product called Real Money Stream and you are wondering whether you can make any side money online?
I am glad that you do your due diligence and search for reviews before purchasing the product.

I know it is not easy to find a legit program with real value.
Real Money Streams is a digital product available on a ClickBank. I assume that it is where you have found it. Otherwise, please let me know in the comment section below.

This is a Real Money Streams Review and as you read through, you will gain more information about this digital product, shortly just RMS.
You soon will find out that the “real money” will not be that real.

Name: Real Money Streams
Website: www.realmoneystreams.com
Price: Advertised Price $37 + Upsells
Owners: Chris (could not find any more details about this guy)

Product Overview

The website has been created back in 2014 so it has been around for a while. There is no significant traffic to the website, so that means that the product is most likely not that excited. Definitely, no one will make more than $7,200 a month just by applying the RMS.

Real Money Streams Review

RMS promises you to make money by doing a variety of interesting fun tasks from your computer and offline as well. It is said that you can make $10, $15 an hour, and sometimes you can double that income.
What they say is that you can make $500 a week.

This kind of income sounds much more realistic compared with other products, like Secret Profit Club (where you are promised to make 19,150 a week).

The Good & the Bad

  • The upfront price is low
  • Money-back guarantee
  • N/A


  • The identity of the owner is questionable (as well as support)
  • Information you get within the RMS can be obtained for free as well
  • The way how Upsells are structured (recurring on 2levels)


Who is it For?

RMS is introduced as a paying job that can be done from your home, or from any place with internet access. That sounds lucrative and the fact is that more and more people start to work online, whether still for a company or for themselves.

With RMS you are promised that you don’t need any extensive training, nor trial periods.

You work – You get paid. The work in most cases is so straightforward that anyone can do it with just a couple of minutes of instruction.

Well, so far it sounds fair enough. But on the other hand, if anybody can do it, how much you think she or he can earn?

The owner or spokesmen of this product called Chris says that he made the process so simple that anyone can do this and there are just 3 steps involved:

  1. Sign Up
  2. Chris will explain exactly what to do and how to do it in a crash course.
  3. He will show you what opportunities are currently available and you get to work on them right away.

Then, you choose how much time you will spend on each project.

But you will find out that these kinds of jobs can easily be found for free. No one has to pay for access to RMS. And the most interesting part about the price structure of RMS is a little bit further below.

In case you are interested in online education on how to build your own business, I recommend you to read my other post. It is about a platform where everyone can learn how to make money online.
Please remember, that it won’t be done overnight or in a week.
Since there are so many courses and gurus and blogs, one must learn specific techniques.
For example how to outrank the competition and how to create engaging content. That and much more you can learn.

Real Money Streams Tools & Training

Let’s have a look how the members’ area looks like.
It looks more like a web page than some educational platform.

Real Money Streams Review

Also when you scroll down you don’t see any menu, just the button to download the PDF file:

Real Money Streams Review

If you keep scrolling down you will find more downloadable eBooks:

  • Paid to Surf the Net – Complete guide to teaching you how to make money by visiting the website.
    That is seriously written at the description of this book.
  • Beginners Guide to working online
  • Quit your job and work online
  • The secret, high paying online jobs

These books don’t have much value.

This I have seen a lot.
I mean you have some low-quality product and in order to make it look like a “precious”, they add a bunch of eBooks or rather a few PDF pages, inside the platform.
But the quality of that material is low and in most cases outdated as well.

So back to the RMS “platform”.
Keep scrolling down and there you find the “VIP stuff”, which is the upsell. Also with upsell, you have some bonuses (3 downloadable PDF files and 3 videos you can watch).

Below the VIP material, you have the actual platform where you have 2 options, working online and offline.

Real Money Streams Review

By clicking on the online task, you get the following steps:

Real Money Streams Review

Actually, it doesn’t matter where you click, the same window with both tasks is popped up.

You see a bunch of tasks, which are not very clear to me.
I was expecting some guidelines for step-by-step training, but apparently, RMS does not have one.


The reason why I check whether the reviewed platform has supported is that it indicates the quality of the product. I mean it is one of the aspects that every platform should have.
Many products, especially on ClickBank (or ClickBetter as well), have only an email address.

Unfortunately, that is the case with RMS as well.

Real Money Streams Review

That is not much of a support.

If you happen to purchase the product and you realized that it is not what you wanted, you can ask for a refund.
Just quick advice – regarding the money-back guarantee go directly to the ClickBank Support page. Within few business days, you have your money back.

Real Money Streams Price Structure

The front-end price is $37.
You must be careful though since once you inside the members’ area there are few upsells, which can be purchased just by 1 click of the mouse, which includes “accidental clicks” (of course).

Real Money Streams Review

The upsells structure is as follows:

  1. Upsell is called VIP Mastermind – you are promised to make up to $1,000 a day. The price is $47 + $17/month
  2. Upsell costs $17 and then another $17/month (recurring)
  3. Upsell costs nothing but then there is again this re-bill cost $17/month (recurring)

To me, this is the pretty sneaky way how Chris (or whatever is the owner) makes his money.
That $7,200 mentioned at the beginning is probably real income for this Chris guy.

My Final Opinion of Real Money Streams

First, I found it a bit confusing.
But as I have reviewed the product bit deeper, I must make a conclusion that you will not make real money with this Real Money Streams system.
Most likely you might end up losing the money with a bunch of 1 click upsells.

Inside the members’ area, there is nothing extraordinary which you could use and apply in order to make some extra income. Besides, most of the material is outdated.

Real Money Streams at a Glance…

Name: Real Money Streams
Website: www.realmoneystreams.com
Price: Advertised Price $37 + Upsells
Owners: Chris (could not find any more details about the guy)

Overall Rank:


I do not recommend purchasing the Real Money Streams.

Most of the material inside the members’ area is from 2010 so not really applicable today. With that being said, you can easily find many materials for free these days.

In case you search for an alternative:

If you are interested in how to make money online, you can have a look at the following educational platform. The training is incredible – you learn what actually works.
It has a great community from all over the world (more than 200,000 active members). The price of this platform has not been changed since 2008. They want to make it available for all the people interesting in making money online.

Anyways, hope you find this review about RMS helpful. If you have any sort of questions, just let me know in the comment section below.

Cheers 🙂

How to Get Started with Affiliate Marketing Business?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without a prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to generate a consistent income in the long run. 

Get Started For FREE


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