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Is Viral Market a Scam?

Welcome to my website.
I do digital product reviews, checking scams, and doing my best to find out which system works and brings value for people and which do not.

This is going to be a review of a platform called Viral Market.

Let’s find out who is behind this website, whether their system works. What are the pros and cons and if there is any chance to make money?
Right off the bat, I would like to tell you that Viral Market looks pretty similar to a few systems I have already reviewed (for example Clout Bucks).

Is Viral Market a scam, as well?

Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate for Viral Market. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any recommendation and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

Viral Market Overview

Product Name: Viral Market
Price to Join: $0
Creator: N/A
Rating: 0/10
Do I recommend it? No!

Viral Market Summary

With Viral Market, you are promised to make a couple of hundreds of dollars per day, just by posting a special link on social media. If someone clicks on that link you get $2, if that person sign-up for Viral Market you get another $10.

Sounds too good to be true?
That is exactly right.

Nobody ever has gotten paid by Viral Market. This entire system is a scam.
There is no need to enter your email address while signing up, but when you want to cash out, you need to fill the Payment Method with your email address.
Viral Market wither sell email lists to 3rt part of they just use this email addresses for spamming or phishing.

Either way, Do Not Sign Up!

UPDATE May 2020 – The Website ViralMarket.Co Does Not Work Anymore.

Most Likely It was Shut Down.

There are many scams like ViralMarket. If you want to know how to spot them, please continue reading.

If you want to know what does it take to make money online, you can have a look at the Affiliate Marketing Training. Click on the link below and learn more.

Check More Details Here

Viral Market Review

Viral Market is a website or a system promising you to make $150 a day. It is said that the average user makes more than $2,000 per month using this system.
It is simple.

  1. Join the Viral Market for free and get your special link
  2. Share this link on social media, send it to your friends and you will get a credit for everyone who joins the Viral Market site.
  3. Cash-out – you can get paid via PayPal, CashApp, Western Union or another method as well.

Well, it sounds too easy, right? Have you ever stumbled upon a system that looks too good to be true? Did it work?
My guess is it did not.

Most likely it will be the case with Viral Market as well.

Just look at the website – it is exactly the same layout as PaidLeaf or RainMoney.
Viral Market has been around since spring 2019, but the website still has some flaws.
For example, there are some features that just do not work – it seems that there is a carousel, but it does not do anything.

Is Viral Market a Scam

Also, a “Calculator” where one can check how much he would make by entering a number of followers.

Is Viral Market a Scam

I believe, whoever created this website, his intention was to show the income per day based on the number of referrals.
Well, at the end of the day, it shows exactly how much there is possible to earn. $0, let me spell it “zero dollars”. Despite the different intentions of website creators, it shows the numbers just about right.

Viral Market was supposedly founded in 2005. Their partner Zindex, has been also around since 2005 (involved in online marketing solutions as well).
I could not find any more information about this company “Zindex”. I have double-checked several websites and none of the following exists (I have tried, Zindex.com .net. org .co … )

This entire website was either created too fast, so nobody paid attention to the content, or they just don’t care.

Is Viral Market a Scam

Just have a look at the text – Not sure if you see it clearly (you can zoom in by the pressing “CTRL + Scroll on the Mouse” if you have a PC).

Now let’s go to the Dashboard.
You see that there are some notifications (which BTW can’t be closed), underneath you are asked to add your payment method. Here you will be asked to give them your email address.

You see also your special link and your “Earnings”.

Is Viral Market a Scam

Below you find additional ways how to “make money”. These are tasks, where you can earn from $2 to $50.
The problem is that in order to complete the task you are prompted to enter your personal information (again), and/or you must download some files.

Is Viral Market a Scam

These can be dangerous so I strongly recommend staying away from these Tasks. The problem is that once you enter your data they start collecting the information and these might be abused.
Also, it is very unprofessional to include Google+ within their Tasks. It was shut down On April 2nd, 2019, and the Viral Market website was created in May 2019 (a month later).

Is Viral Market a Scam

Who Is Behind the Viral Market?

I am not sure if you had a chance to check the similar platforms (RainMoney or PaidLeaf), but if you did, you know that it is not known who is behind this system.
There is not a person mentioned nor company. (I don’t consider the information about the alleged partner company named Zindex relevant).

Let’s take a look at the age of the website as well as their address or contact page.

Is Viral Market a Scam

We see that the domain was registered in Panama. I am sure those same people are behind this system as well as the Rain Money, PaidLeaf, or Cloud Bucks. (source Whois)

There are 2 different addresses on their website.

Is Viral Market a Scam

Or is it a branch?

But then, which one is headquarter?

Both are just made up. Scammers do not show their contact information. They don’t want to be bothered.

The Claims vs Facts

It does not take a lot of effort to spot the red flags. Here are just some of them.

1) The Age of Viral Market

Viral Market is allegedly founded in 2015.
Well, by now we have learned that the website was created only in May 2019. So it is “a bit of” discrepancy.

Is Viral Market a Scam

Right in the same short article, they mention Referral Pay – what is it? I thought we are at the Viral Market website, right?
Referral Pay is just another one of those scammy websites – just like Viral Market.
No doubt about the originator of these scams.

They probably want to look like a company with a lot of experience already. That is why they use the year 2015.
But obviously, nobody took a 2nd look at the page since they refer to a different system (Referral Pay).

2) Fake Income Proofs

Right from the beginning, it is suspicious how easily money can be made using Viral Market.

But I must be thankful for the lousy job they did on their website. It is really easy to spot the fake income proof:

Is Viral Market a Scam

3) Address is Fake

They use 2 different addresses. Which one is correct? None of them is correct.

There is no way how to contact Viral Market. That means if someone wants to get in touch with them because of “pending” payment, well good luck with that. Scammers simply do not reveal their true identity.

4) Fake Testimonials

I was mentioning how lousy the website is created (mistakes, mismatches, and errors). Well, they didn’t make any effort when it comes to the testimonials.
How would you trust these?

Is Viral Market a Scam

I have reviewed many misleading products (for example AZ Code), but a few of them at least invested into the testimonials, so they appear to be real, at least for a newbie.

Here is also a video from YouTube – this person creates a positive review about Viral Market since she believes that other people will sign up through her link.

Well, I am sorry for these guys, it just won’t happen.
You can also check the comments, below – it seems like many people from all over the world believe this system. Fortunately, there are also people who know that it is a complete scam.

What I like

  • There is not much I like about Viral Market.
    Maybe only one thing and that is – easily recognizable mistakes/errors on their website which makes it look suspicious right from the beginning.

What I don’t like

  • Fake Income Reports
  • No one gets paid
  • Using your personal data (after singing for a task)
  • This system harvest personal data from their members

Is There a Legit Platform Teaching How To Make Money Online?

I know how you feel having just found out about another scam.

But take it from the positive side – you have just learned something new and you are now better off than you were 10 minutes ago.
That is progress – Good For You!InboxDollar.co Review

About 2 years ago I did not know much about internet marketing and I would be also curious about a system like the Viral Market. It is very tempting to join a system promising easy money.
Therefore it is important to know the difference and pay attention to such systems.

In the past 2 years, I have gained a lot of knowledge and I think I can now tell the difference between a scam and a legit platform.
( I say “I think” since nobody is perfect and we all have some weak moments from time to time).

I have reviewed more than 100 digital platforms and products, just in 2019. Most of these products, in the make money online niche, are misleading. I mean they promise you to make money, but most of them do not work.
Fortunately, you have a money-back guarantee, so you only lose time.

There are also a few platforms that are legit, and they do not require payment right at the beginning. I think that is the fairest approach since everyone has a chance to test it and decide for himself whether to continue with training or not.

Are you interested in how a real legit platform looks like?

Here is the link where you can find out more.

I had very little experience in marketing online and zero results. Being a member of this platform I still learn new stuff and it is not just because of the training (including video tutorials) but also due to the community, which is without a doubt, the most helpful in this category.

As I said it is free to get started.
Here is an overview of both systems:

Final Verdict

Viral Market is not just a scam; it is a scam with obvious errors and lousy mistakes on their website.

It is a total joke.

I believe we have covered enough red flags, so anyone can understand why it is absolutely necessary to stay away from the Viral Market. |
Hopefully, you have not signed up for it and don’t even think about that.

Viralmarket.co harvests data from people who sign up, with an intention to make easy money. Please do not trust the claims.

If you would like to find out more, or you have any sort of questions regarding ways how to make money online, please let me know in the comment section below.
I’d be more than happy to answer you within 24 hours.

Would You Like to Start Your Own Affiliate Business?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches how to generate a consistent income in the long run. 

Get Started For FREE

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