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AZ Code Review

Hello there,

Thank you for visiting my website. I believe you do some research about digital products, and you would like to know whether the AZ Code is a scam or not.

I am glad you do your due diligence; maybe you have been already scammed or you got pretty closed to.
Never mind, it happens to people who actually try to learn something.

It used to happen to me as well so I have decided to create this blog with a list of product reviews – so hopefully, it helps people to learn what are the techniques of scammers and how to spot a red flag.

This is going to be the review of the ClickBetter product called AZ Code. You are probably already aware that AZ stands for Amazon. The AZ Code (AZC) was available on ClickBank, but for some reason, it was removed.
As far as I was able to find out, the main reason was a high refund rate. You know that ClickBank products and also ClickBetter products do have this policy – 30 or 60 days money-back guarantee.

So for whatever reason, if a customer is not satisfied with what he or she got, it is possible to get a 100% refund – no questions asked.

Let’s take a look deeper at the AZ Code.

Please note, that I am not a member or an affiliate of AZ Code. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any recommendations and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

AZ Code Overview

Product Name: AZ Code (Amazon Code)
Price to Join: $37
Creator: Andre Peterson (Most likely just a made-up persona)
Do I recommend it?

AZ Code Review – Quick Summary

The AZ Code according to the sales video supposed to offer you a push-button system where you can earn $500,000 a year as an Affiliate Marketer using Amazon Affiliate Program.
The truth is though, that once you purchase the product you get only a PDF file with general information about the Amazon FBA (which is a different concept)

There is no real value in the AZ Code. Just to mention a few red flags: Fake Testimonials, Unrealistic Income Reports, Owner not a real person.

The AZ Code is available on ClickBetter so a potential customer has a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Otherwise, I would call this system a scam.

If you want to learn how I have learned how to generate income online, check the link below. You can get started with Affiliate Marketing Training for Free (for 1st day);

What is AZ Code?

Before we dive into the product review, I would like to share with you some info regarding the website “theazcode.com”.

It was created in March 2018, so this is a kind of new product, and as we have already mentioned it was already removed from ClickBank.

AZ Code Review

It does not have to mean a lot, but it is a first sign that we should pay more attention while doing the review and checking the red flags.

I was not able to find out how much traffic the website has, since the website where I check ( similarweb.com)  does not give any data (in case the website does not have much traffic usually it is not recorded within the similarweb.com)

Let’s have a look at what the AZ Code can teach you, and whether its system can make a difference in your income.

According to the AZ Code sales pitch, you can earn more than thousand of dollars per day as an Amazon Affiliate. You don’t have to have any experience or technical background.
It is a “push-button” system. You can bypass the months of research and hard work and get started right away.

AZ Code Review

They want you to believe that a person with absolutely no experience can start using this system and generating money right aw
This is false information and there is no such system where one can start generating income from day one. It just does not work like that.

Don’t get me wrong.
Affiliate Marketing is a legit way how to earn money and people really make hundreds of dollars per day. The more experienced one even thousands a day.

But it requires time and effort to get there. Otherwise, everyone would be doing that.

It is essential to realize how Affiliate marketing works.

You have a website with affiliate links. These links direct your visitor to Amazon and when they make a purchase you get a commission. The commission is from 1% to 10%.

AZ Code Review

It depends on what category /niche you are involved in. With that being said, if you think about choosing a proper niche aim for at least the category where it pays 4.5% and more.

When you do the math you realize that you need to sell a lot of products to earn $1,000 a day. It is possible but it won’t be done in a week and you need to know how to drive traffic to your website.

Who Is Behind?

It is not clear who the real owner is.
The guy who provides you with the Sales video introduces himself as Andre Peterson.
But there is no other information about his guy other than he is originally from a small town in Wisconsin.

He talks about how he started and how difficult it was. After a while, he finds out that making money with Amazon is difficult for those without experience. But he could see the potential with Amazon.
That is actually true and everyone can partner with the Amazon Affiliate program.

The way Andre continues is rather a story that seems too good to be true. Apparently, he spent a few weeks researching and educating himself about Amazon. After 2 months of his dedication, he was finally ready.
He put his system to work and a day later he finds out that he just made almost $1,500! The day later again something over $1,300 and so on…

AZ Code Review

Now the question is whether he refers to the revenue or a net income.

But still, it is a lot of money and one needs to have a significant amount of traffic to get to that such sales.

The Claims vs Facts

We have already covered the unrealistic income claims. By unrealistic I mean with regards to this AZ Code System.
In my opinion, it is impossible to make that amount of money applying the “strategy” of the AZ Code.

Now let me show you why:

Once you purchase the product here is the back office of the AZ Code system:

AZ Code Review

1) Hidden Fees

The 1st step you should take is to get your “Free Website”.
The Free Commission website is not entirely free. There is a fee involved but you are not informed about this fact in advance. That I find very misleading.

It is exactly the same “trap” as with another program called AZ Sniper. (After reviewing the AZ Sniper you see that both products are very similar – most likely the same creators)

2) Promoting a different High Ticket Program

You have an option to sign up for the “VIP Members Workshop” – which is nothing else than Super Affiliate System by John Crestani (actually a legit product but it is a high ticket program with a price tag of almost $1,000).

3) Unrelated Training Material

Now one would think that AZ Code is going to let him access the “secret system”
Well here is the truth.

AZ Code Review

You can download this 70 pages long e-book, or PDF file that doe not even talk about affiliate marketing. It seems like material from Amazon concerning the Amazon FBA.

Here is a short explanation of what the Amazon FBA is.

So the sales video with all the promises does not even match with the “training” inside the platform.

4) Fake Testimonials

If you have seen similar digital products you are probably familiar, that many of them use actors hired from the website called Fiverr.

Just check the 1st lady. She also has done a video for “7 Minutes Daily Profits” or “AZ Millionaire Method“.
There is nothing wrong with being an actor on Fiverr. These people just doing their job.

It is the AZ Code creators who try to fool their prospectors.

AZ Code Review

Here there are the other 2 actors hired on Fiver.

AZ Code Review

5) The Price

This product is supposed to cost $37.

The reality is, that there are at least 2 upsells.

Besides the upfront price, there are:

  • The Amazon Code Pro for $197 (with downsell to $97)
  • The Auto Profit Booster for $96
AZ Code Review

They also offer an affiliate program. Anyone can get his or her special link (affiliate link) and start to promote the AZ Code.

The creators of the AZC decided to pay up to $199 commission to those who sell the entire package.

What I like

  • There is not too much I like about the AZ Code. One thing that prevents me to call it a scam is a Money back guarantee. That is a Must for each product listed on ClickBetter (also on ClickBank)
  • The idea of making money as an affiliate partner with Amazon is OK and it works.

What I don’t like

  • First of all, when there is no clear statement about the owner it is automatically a red flag. Legitimate business reveals who is behind the company or platform.
  • Fake Testimonials. They have been around for more than a year. If their system is so perfect, how come they are still not able to have real testimonials?
  • Poor training material. It is said in the sales video that you are given a perfect system that works for you, in fact, what you buy is just a PDF File (general information about Amazon FBA )
  • Upsells that do not give the prospects any value

How About An Alternative?

I understand how frustrated you may feel after digesting the information – The AZ code doesn’t work either.

RewardDollars Review

So the question is – what does work?

Now, I may just send you directly to the platform that I believe truly works. But that is not my task ( not entirely 🙂 ). I just want to inform you that there is a great course on affiliate marketing that teaches how to create a website and how to generate traffic and essentially how to start your business online.

I believe you do realize that starting a business online is not just a push-button system. Here are 2 main drawbacks:

  • It requires time (6-8 months until the first sale may come). People who are persistent usually have a full online income within 18-24 months
  • This educational platform costs money as well ($360 per year)

People who are not OK with these 2 points above, usually go to seek help elsewhere. What they usually find is a high ticket program that costs about $1,000 or more or a one-time course for a similar price.

I don’t want to say that my preferred solution is perfect for you. But the thing is this system has been around since 2004 and they made their best to make it work for as many people as possible.
That is why the price (it is really cheap, considering the amount of training)

I understand that you are not convinced and you don’t want to spend another few hundred on some digital product.

How about this:
You can actually go and test it out for yourself for FREE. That is right – no credit card is required. Just use your email and you can start with your affiliate training for FREE today (or tomorrow, if it is too late already 🙂 )

What is the catch?
You have access to this training only for 7 days. After that, the lesson will be locked. You can actually keep going on building your website. The first 7 days will give you a basic overview of what direction to go.

When you decide to go on Premium you can take full advantage of the course. ( There are actually 2 main courses, 300 video training/tutorials, great support, community, etc).

The only additional fee you might pay is for the hosting (in case you want to have your own website. It is $15 per year).

As I said, you can go ahead and check out this educational platform for free, so you don’t have to fear losing something.
I believe a week is enough time to figure out whether one wants to start an online business or not.

Think about that and let me know.

In case of questions just let me know in the comment section below.

Here is an overview of both systems:

Final Verdict

We have covered red flags such as fake testimonials, hidden fees, unrealistic income claims, and so on.

Not to mention the fact that on the main page of the AZ Code back office is a promotion for another ClickBank product.
It is inevitable that these guys behind the AZ code make money as an affiliate from selling John Crestani’s product.

As for the AZ Code material – just briefly:

  • Does not say whether you need a website
  • How to get traffic (free or paid)
  • How to rank in google and other search engines

These are 3 basic questions one needs to ask before it comes to making money online. The good news is that there is an educational platform called Wealthy Affiliate that teaches all the above.

The AZ Code, I definitely do not recommend, in fact just stay away from it.

In case you have questions or you want to leave me a message, you can do so below, in the comment section.
I will be more than happy to give you feedback.

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