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Is Click4Kash a Scam?

Hello and welcome to my website.

I believe you are doing some research about the system called Click4Kash and you are wondering whether you can really make $500 in a day. And most importantly, whether it will be as easy as they promise you.

But easy money…that probably sounds suspicious, right?

Well, if you also think that this seems to be too good to be true then you have the right mindset.

What is this system all about?
Is Click4Kash a scam?

We are going to check it out. It will be interesting to find out:

  • How does Click4Kash work
  • How is behind it
  • How the dashboard looks like
  • And how many red flags are we going to find

Let’s start with the Click4Kash Review.

Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate for Click4Kash. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any recommendation and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

Click4Kash Overview

Product Name: Click4Kash 
Price to Join: $0
Creator: N/A
Do I recommend it? No!

Click4Kash Summary

Click4Kash is supposed to be a GPT (Get-Paid-To) site where you earn by performing simple tasks and referring other people to join the Click4Kash. You as a potential member are promised to earn up to $500 a day.

The truth is, this system is just outright scam.

First of all, they don’t payout.
Click4Kash goes after users’ email addresses and passwords. Eventually, they can collect other personal information such as telephone numbers, or credit cards.

The testimonials and payment proofs on the Click4Kash website are fake.

At the end of this post, I will explain what does it take to make money online.

What is Click4Kash

Click4Kash is a website or system where you can earn money just by referring people on social media, to join the Click4Kash. You can also perform some easy tasks and get paid for them.
But does it really work that way?

I don’t know whether you have seen something similar before, but I am sure this is not a new product.
It seems like a copy of another website.

And I can tell you that Click4Kash looks exactly the same as the Tap2Earn (I have reviewed the other day).

Just take a look at both homepages:

Is Click4Kash a Scam

These systems are the same, and I bet they both have the same owner(s).

So How Does the Click2Kash Work?

According to the homepage, there are 3 steps to follow:

  1. Join Click4Kash and you get a $50 bonus, just for a registration (Tap2Earn offers only $25 bonus)
  2. Once you are inside the dashboard, you can grab your link and share it on social media. For each person you invite, you get $20 (Tap2Earn offers only $10 for a referral)
  3. Withdraw your earnings through CashApp, Pay Pal, Bitcoin or Mailed Check

Is Click4Kash a Scam

$50 as a bonus just for a signing up, that is a lot of money to be paid out.
Well as I have mentioned the Click4Kash has been around only for a couple of months, and apparently, it does not have too many visitors yet. So we can’t estimate how much have they already paid out.

Let’s back to the previous version of the system, called Tap2Earn.

They also promise to give you the bonus, but “only” $20.
Tap2Earn was founded in September 2019 and this website has had a lot of visitors since then.
According to the SimilarWeb (this is a website that provides measurement collecting data; source Wikipedia), we can estimate how much traffic a website has.

Here is the result of the tap2earn.co:

Is Click4Kash a Scam

Now, how many visitors would sign up for the Tap2Earn just to get the $20?
This is the internet, right? People are getting rich overnight, and many of them work only 10 minutes per day, right?
So this thing could be also real? ”

Well, maybe I am a bit exaggerating but unfortunately many people do think this way. The amount of visitors just proves it, unfortunately.

Let’s be conservative and assume that only 10% of those who visit the Tap2Earn signs up to get the $20.

That would be 300,000+ for each month October, November, and December, plus 168,000 for January. All together that is more than 1 million people.
Are we going to believe that Tap2Earn has paid out more than $20 Million in less than 5 months?

But how it is even possible that this system (or both of them) can pay so well, for no work?

There is a simple answer to that:
They just don’t.

That is right – none of those people who visited the tap2earn got paid. To be perfectly clear I assume that 99% did not get paid (the drop of the traffic towards January 2020 explains it as well).
That is why the owners had to start with a new system and right at the end of December, they launched the Click4Kash.

I expect the Click4Kash will soon have thousands of visitors per day as well.

Well, Click4Kash is newer than Tap2Earn, so they offer bigger earnings. Let’s see in a month or two how much traffic Click4Kash has.

Who is Behind

We have already touched that in the section above. It is some company or individuals who keep creating these scammy sites to get people’s email addresses and passwords, and potentially other data as well.

Obviously, the owners do not want you to know their true identity.
In the About Us section, it says that they are #1 Influencer Network.

By checking the Click4Kash profile on social media it does not seem that way (we will actually go through them later).

Their story goes on saying, that Click4Kash has started in March 2015 in Amsterdam.

Is Click4Kash a Scam


That is a simple lie and here is real information about Click4Kash founding date:
Is Click4Kash a Scam

The reason why they claim to be active since 2015 is to look more legit. To make the impression that they are already an authority within the niche (or field).

Here is another proof that the entire system is full of lies and errors.
This is a contact form, where you can get in touch with them (or at least you should):

Is Click4Kash a Scam

It does not work.
And the social icons on the left side don’t work either. It is not a good sign for a “#1 Influencer Network”.

So I decided to write them an email, and here is what I got;

Is Click4Kash a Scam

Email undelivered.

So we don’t know who is really behind the system. They have the contact information but it is impossible to reach them.
I was also curious about the postal address.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

This address belongs to a different company.
What is also interesting, this is the same address that other 2 similar systems use.
When you check the already mentioned Tap2Earn and CashChase you see that they use the same postal addres.

Click4Kash Dashboard

I don’t recommend signing up for Click4Kash. They collect all the emails and maybe other data as well.
If you want to check the dashboard by yourself, please create a new email for this purpose only, and make sure you enter a new password as well.

This is how the dashboard looks like.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

We see that on the left hand sited there is a menu where you can access the tasks and share links on social media. You can fill up information regarding your account, payments, and cashout.
At the bottom, there is the “account manager” with some avatar and name and Snapchat contact. It says “snap me”, but it does not work.

In the middle, there are a few notifications, and we see our performance including the alleged earnings, $50.

There is another information within the page, that is interesting.
One of the notifications says:
Due to problems with our partners because of increased fraudulent activity, initial payment schedules have been changed to NET30

Is Click4Kash a Scam

Let’s find out more to see what it says:

Is Click4Kash a Scam

Again, an error.
Sometimes I am wondering who are these people.
In my opinion, they are not very precise in what they do. I mean, many of the information we see on this website, is not misleading or questionable.
These are obvious errors.

Let’s see what else we find on the dashboard.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

Down there is a Taskbar where you can earn different amount for different tasks:

  • Refer Friends – Earn $25
  • Get Clicks – Earn $2
  • Complete surveys – Earn $40
  • Create YouTube videos – Earn $50
  • Download Apps – Earn $40

When you decide to perform the tasks, you are redirected to different websites and in most cases, you will be required to provide more information, for example, your telephone number, and in some cases credit card information as well.
Therefore it might be dangerous to play along with Click4Kash.

Bottom line is that nobody gets paid.

Here how it works;
A member completes all necessary tasks and gets a minimum number of referrals and clicks. He reaches the threshold to cash out.
He gives a request to Click4Kash to get the earnings.
Hi is provided with a confirmation and notified that the payment is on its way, and he should receive it in 30 days.

30 days later he still does not have any money. He gets a new notification saying that he has been using fake clicks and referrals and therefore his account will be closed.
That’s it.
This member can’t log in back anymore.

This is exactly the same procedure as with other systems, just like Social Bounty, Paid Leafs, Tap2Earn, CashChase, or Referral Pay, etc.
Here is one ex-member of Social Bounty leaving a comment.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

If you looking for a legit website, that pays you and doesn’t require time to develop, here are some tips.
You can visit either Swag Bucks or Survey Junkie.

They don’t pay much, but you can make a few bucks on the site (probably $100, $150 per month).

In case you would like to find out what does it take to have a real business online, where you can generate a 4 digit income (per month), I can help you there as well. At the end of this article, you find more information.

The Claims vs Facts

By now it is clear that Click4Kash can’t be the trustful system. They only want to get your data like email, password and eventually telephone number and other information.

But let’s summarize the red flags:

1) Fake Testimonials

These testimonials are not real.
They use these images over and over and they barely change the text underneath. Besides those statements are lies.

We have learned that Click4Kash has been around only 2 months, so it is impossible to use it for more than that.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

2) Social Media

  • Facebook

The Click4Kash profile has less than 400 likes and is this supposed to be the #1 Influencer Network?
Today is February 9th, 2020 and last post on Click4Kash FB page is from December 5, 2019

Is Click4Kash a Scam

  • YouTube

There are 3 videos. All 3 videos are about the Click4Kash  saying how awesome this platform is and how much money one can earn.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

  • Twitter

A twitter account with 125 followers is not an Influencer. There are 2 tweets only (let me repeat that, two tweets)
The last tweet is from Dec 12, 2019.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

But, interestingly, the Twiter account has been created in July 2019 (5 months before the website)

  • Instagram

No comment:

Is Click4Kash a Scam

3) Address (including email)

Click4Kash address is wrong.
There is a different company on this address and it has nothing to do with Click4Kash.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

You can check google, and you find out that this address belongs to a huge audit company – KPMG.
(Not mentioning that Tap2Earn, CashChase are using this very same address)

Earlier in this review, we have already seen that Click4Kash email address does not work either.

4) Foundation Date

I think this is clear.

There is many errors on the Click4Kash website showing that they can’t be true.
The founding date of this website is Nov 30, 2019.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

5) They Don’t Payout

It is frustrating to join a system, follow the rules and right when you are about to withdraw your earnings, you are accused of referring fake people.
Well, it is a shame, since the only fake is the entire Click4Kash.

6) Fake Payment Proofs

Here are some screenshots of the alleged Click4Kash payment proofs.

Is Click4Kash a Scam

Is Click4Kash a Scam

Is Click4Kash a Scam

None of the payment or I should say a screenshot is taken after November.
I don’t know what kind of people are behind this scam, but don’t they check the calendar?

What I like

  • Absolutely nothing. I wish I could give you at least one positive thing about the Click4Kash, but there is none. A system that tries to rip you off should be reported to the FTC.

What I don’t like

  • This is an outright Scam
  • A website full of fake claims and errors
  • A Potential Phishing scam

Where Do We Go From Here?

Click4Kash along with other similar products are no worth of your time and effort.
Click4Kash is a scam and we have covered a lot of red flags that prove it.

But what about now?
One thing is for sure. There is no easy money to be made on the internet.

Does it mean that it is not possible anymore to generate income online?
No, there are a lot of opportunities online where one can earn a lot of money. The thing is though, that it requires time and effort.

If you are still with me, I believe you are looking for legit ways how to make this internet thing work. I understand.
I sincerely believe that you have the right mindset and you don’t believe in the “get-rich-quick” schemes.

One of the easiest ways how to start earning online is Affiliate Marketing.
It does not mean that it is easy, though.
Even with Affiliate marketing, the secret is persistence (actually also in other walks of life, right).

Basically, you need to have a website and keep adding the content, so Google will recognize your website and will give you better rankings. That means your website gets to the 1st page of google and that means traffic.
A lot of traffic.

It won’t happen in 2 or months though. But let’s say in 6th months you should see some improvements, and within a year you should have some sales online already.
Starting 2nd year you can easily have a full-time income and down the road, you can easily get to the $5K a month.

I would recommend joining the Amazon Affiliate Program. Amazon accepts (almost) everyone and theoretically, you can start earning within 24 hours. But the reality is that without previous experience, you probably won’t see any sale in the first 3-5 months.

Again, why so long? Because it all depends on the organic traffic.
When you go to google and you search for any term, all the websites that you see on the 1st page have a lot of content and a certain age (at least a year). But even these websites at the beginning were just empty sites with no content.
Just like my website.

But I have learned how to build my website, so google can index my posts (articles) and many of these posts are now at the first page.
Not just google, but Bing and Yahoo as well.
I am sure you have already heard the term SEO.

Do you know that there is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to SEO learning?
A lot of people make a big thing out of the SEO, but the truth is, that as long as you create content that people read and like, you should be fine.
Sure there are some rules you want to apply. If you want to learn more about the rules, there is a great course I can recommend.

It is my favorite platform and here is the review of this platform.

To give you a perspective what such a platform has, comparing the Click4Kash, here is a little comparison:

And last word regarding the Click4Kash – I can’t give it more than 0 (zero).

If you have question or two, concerning the business online, let me know in the comment section below. Also, I would like to hear from you in case you have some experience with the Click4Kash or maybe other similar websites.

Would You Like to Start Your Own Business Online?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without a prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches what works – There is an evergreen procedure and you can learn how to start making money online as well.

Join Wealthy Affiliate for Free – You don’t need the credit card.

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