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Is Referral Pay a Scam?

Have you stumbled upon a website called Referralpay.co and you are wondering whether the statement about making $500 a day is real? I take it that you don’t sign up.
Good for you and I am actually glad you do your research first.

Many people have already fallen for this scammy system. The truth is that they have not lost any money (yet), but the creators of Referral Pay go after other things than money.
And we have seen that they run multiple similar websites, just like www.referralpay.co.

We are going to check what is this system all about, we are going to try to find out who is behind this product and how does it work. What is their purpose, and at the end of this review, you will have a definite opinion about the referral pay?

Right at the beginning, I may have raised suspicion about this system, so a very good question is:

Is Referral Pay a Scam?

Please note, I am not a member or an affiliate for Referral Pay. This review is based on research and information available online in the public domain. Any recommendation and conclusions are only opinions and may not apply to all persons or situations.

Referral Pay Overview

Product Name: Referral Pay
Price to Join: $0
Creator: N/A
Rating: 0/10
Do I recommend it? No!

Referral Pay Summary

Referral Pay is a system where one can earn money just by posting a link on social media. For every click, one can make $2, for a friend who joins this very system, one can make $10.
This system is free to join and requires no previous experience.

OK, now back to reality.
Claims about earning money just by posting links are lies. Not a single person was able to cash out.
Referral Pay is a scam. They don’t go after money, though.
It is a data harvesting scam.
Referral Pay works in the same way as other similar websites such as PaidLeaf, ViralMarket, or CloutBucks.
Do NOT Sign up for Referral Pay!

UPDATE May 2020 – Referral Pay Website Is No Longer Available!

If you looking for a legitimate way how to make money online, please check the link below.

Check More Details Here

You can read this review to learn how to spot the red flags. There are many scams that are pretty much similar to Referral Pay.

What is Referral Pay?

Referral Pay is a system or a website promising to make $500 today. According to their website, it is supposed to be a #1 Influencer Network that helps people to make money with social media.Is Referral Pay a Scam
Everyone who signs up to this system today gets a $25 bonus.

That sounds pretty cool, right? You don’t have to pay to get in and yet you get a bonus.

Well, hold on a minute. If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
And right at the beginning, I knew I saw such a website somewhere. And not just once.

If you take a look at systems like PaidLeaf or ViralMarket, you see that they all have very similar websites, the same layouts, same incentives and they all have been created in late spring or summer 2019.
Unlike ViralMarket, the ReferralPay.co seems to be without any significant errors and flaws – I mean this website works properly, including the carousel and the calculator. (It is a simple simulator of how much one could make based on the number of referrals)

Also, the way the entire system works is exactly the same:

  1. Join the referralpay.co, and get your special share link
  2. Invite your friends and followers to ReferralPay website and you will earn $10 for everyone who joins their site
  3. Get Paid. You can apparently cash out your earnings using PayPal, CashApp, Western Union, checks, etc…

I would like to let you know right here that none have ever gotten paid by this system.

The signup bonus, the earnings, the referral commission – these are just fake money. Just incentives to get as many people as possible to their website.

And they have done a good job looking at the traffic they used to have:

Is Referral Pay a Scam

The traffic started to decrease in the middle of the summer of 2019. People started to realize that this system does not work. Users who signed up and followed the instructions started to figure out that they can’t cash out the “money” they earned.

When a person follows the instructions (share links, get clicks, completer surveys and so on) decides to cash out, his request is simply denied. The reason is that they did not get genuine links (even if they did) and “case closed”.
This is really how the system works.

Well, first of all, let’s go back to the beginning.

There is no entrance fee. Anyone can sign up, just by using a name last name, email, and password.

I suggest, if you want to check the dashboard, please don’t use your standard email and also make sure to use a new password for this purpose only.

Let me show you the dashboard.
You see that again we are facing pretty much the same system as the ViralMarket.

Is Referral Pay a Scam

There is a menu on the left-hand side, some notifications and down below you see the Tasks, together with your special link.

Of course, the $25 sign-up bonus – that is fake, anyways.

You have here the Tasks where you can share the link on social media and earn credits for it.

Is Referral Pay a Scam

In order to cash out there are the following requirements:

  • Get at least 20 clicks
  • Get at least 5 referrals
  • Complete at least 4 task-wall tasks

Now, we are going to take a closer look at these Task Walls:

Is Referral Pay a Scam

This is just a screenshot of the tasks you can perform.
The problem is that you will have to provide your phone number and/or your email address. A person who provides these data jeopardizes his or her personal data and facing undesirable spam calls, emails, phishing…

They offer another way to earn besides the referring. You can earn by testing some of the sponsors’ products in the members’ are.

They refer to the companies they have on their homepage.

Is Referral Pay a Scam

Now, I bet that none of them ever heard of the ReferralPay .co

And yet apparently Referral Pay claims that they have already paid $68Millions to their clients. That is a lot of money, considering that they started out just in May 2019.
That is more than $320,000 every single day!

The only question remaining -> where all this money is coming from?
Here is the answer:

Is Referral Pay a Scam

Now, are we really to believe that Ads are generating such revenue? Especially when there is not a single ad on their website?
Let me repeat that -> Not a single ad on the website ReferralPay.co.

A website with ads obviously has ads on it:
Here is a screenshot of the website with the ads:

Is Referral Pay a Scam

The statement that they generate an income from the Ads, is a lie (again).

Who Is Behind The Referral Pay?

It is very difficult to find a real person (or a company) behind this system. One thing is for sure. Whoever that is, he is behind the PaidLeaf, ViralMarket, CloutBucks, RainMoney as well.

Usually, you should see the creator or founder of the website on the About Me page.

Here is what the “About Me” says: …founded in 2015 and it is a subsidiary of a company named “Zindex”.
Now I have already mentioned in my other article about ViralMarket, that Zindex as a parent company does NOT exist (not only as a parent company but there is no track of company called Zindex related to ReferralPay or any other similar system).

Besides, let’s take a look at when the website ReferralPay .co was created.
Since it should be the #1 Influencer network, one would assume that their website was created at the same time as the company Referral Pay was founded, right?

Is Referral Pay a Scam

We are in the online world, so what is the point of having a company without a website?

Is Referral Pay a Scam

The website has been registered in Panama (Just Like RainMoney or ViralMarket).

The contact address is in Melbourne, Australia, although the map shows Philadelphia PA.
I guess, nothing wrong with that, but it seems a bit dodgy.

Would You Like to Start Your Own Affiliate Business?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate since late 2017 without prior marketing experience.
Beginning of 2018 I have learned how to build a website that drives traffic and makes sales.

Since the summer of 2019, I am a full-time internet marketer and I work from anywhere I want, whenever I want.
Training within Wealthy Affiliate teaches what works – There is an evergreen procedure and you can learn how to start making money online as well.

Join Wealthy Affiliate for Free – You don’t need a credit card.

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The Claims vs Facts

1)The Age of the System (or Rehashed Program)

The creators of referral pay want us to believe that they have been around since 2015. The truth is though that this website was created only in May 2019.
So there is no way that they could operate online without a website.

Is Referral Pay a ScamReferralPay is just a rehashed product. It used to be called a ViralDollar.co but they have changed the name to ReferralPay.

It is just a matter of time when they change the name again.

2) #1 Influencer Network

This is a pretty outrageous statement.

Just go check Instagram or Twitter, Facebook who is the top 10 influencer at social media.

You definitely won’t find ReferralPay!

Is Referral Pay a Scam

ReferralPay has fewer followers than an average Joe.

3) Fake money (Nobody Gets Paid)

All the money that a user is allegedly making is fake. There is no way they could pay out millions of dollars per month.

We have seen that their website simply does not generate any income from the Ads. There are no Ads.
They have not partnered up with Google Adsense, nor other companies providing such a service.

So this is another lie, again.

4) Fake Testimonials

I am not going to get too deep into this. Just let’s take a look at the testimonials.

Is Referral Pay a Scam

And let’s compare it with the testimonials on the website ViralMarket.
They are (almost) identical.

Same fake.

I believe that is enough about the ReferralPay. That is enough proof that this system is just a scam.
Too bad for people searching for ways how to make money online.

What I like

  • I tried to find some positive aspects of this system, but there is none. Maybe only one thing – it is free to join, but still, please make sure to use other than your usual email.

What I don’t like

  • Fake claims about earnings
  • Fake testimonials
  • Harvesting data scam system

Here I have attached a video from YouTube. The video itself is not that important as the comments below.

You see that many people are complaining about this website, that it doesn’t work, it is fake, and so on.

Is There a Proper Way How To Make Money Online?

You have seen proof that ReferralPay does not work. Lots of people use to think that they can make easy money, but it did not work out.
No wonder, this program is a scam.

I know you may be wondering and asking yourself, what actually works?

Well, I can tell you that there is a legit platform(s) out there that work. It is not easy to find them since most programs/gurus/systems are very misleading and the majority of people lose money.

Let me put it this way.
Go to Google, enter your keyword, and press enter.

What do you see? You see 10 websites on the 1st page of this search engine. I bet most of these sites earning money (some of them 5, 6 figures a month, it depends on a niche).

Now how do they get there?
They have optimized their websites to be recognizable, good, quality websites.

  1. Creators of these websites make sure that they deliver quality content to the reader/visitor
  2. The content concerns a specific keyword (the one you enter in a search engine)
  3. This keyword is used at a specific location within the website (Done in the back office of a website)
  4. And some other “tricks” and methods.

Regarding the 4th point, I might call it secrets, just to raise your curiosity, but truth to be told, there is no secret. It is just about proper education and the application of what one learns.
I have learned how to properly optimized the post (website) inside of a great educational online platform.

These guys who founded this platform back in 2005 teach what really works.

You are right – this kind of education is not for free. There is a fee for membership. But the good news is, that everybody can test out this platform for FREE, for an entire week.
After these 7 days, the starter membership is still valid, but most of the training is locked.

Just to give you a perspective, here is an overview of both systems:

Final Verdict – Referral Pay was a SCAM – The Website Has Been Shut Down.

Referral Pay is just a scam and it is good to stay away from it.
As a rule of thumb – whatever seems too good to be true it doesn’t work.

The traffic significantly has dropped since the summer. Hopefully, people started to realize that this system just does not work. People getting more educated and I believe also due to posts like these.

In case you have questions about this scam or you would like to find out more about a legit platform, just drop your comment/question below. I’d be more than happy to answer you back.
Cheers 🙂

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